
Stanford university

Stanford university
The university of my choice

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Summary and Reflection

                 Summary and Reflection

  1. Today we have read an article, the article's topic focused on a child who was imprisoned within a bathroom for six years by her grandparents, the child was only allowed to have contact outside when she went to her academic institution. The child was first imprisoned within the restroom at the age of three. The couple who had imprisoned her have been in police custody since January 27 2013, they are being faced with several charges that can imprison them for at least 20 years. It was stated by the law enforcement that the living conditions of the child were deplorable, she was fed irregularly and was only given a cot and a blanket to sleep with. The motives behind the imprisoment are not clear "there is no viable explination." says dayton Sgt. Larry Trophlin.
  2. These grandparents are deplorable individuals, why would they raise a child with in these conditions? These grandparents should be kept in prison for a very long time for their inhumane crime. The child may suffer from mal nutrition and several psychological problems that pretain to social and external interaction, i am deeply saddened by these crimes and i hope no child would have to experience this torture. 

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