
Stanford university

Stanford university
The university of my choice

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Student Success Statement

               Student Success Statement

"Choosing what is right is always the right choice you can make."- Alex Linares
I agree with this statement; i believe this statement is correct. We are expected to grow into proper citizens and express our favoring for the rules of society and government. When we are children we percieve the world differently, we are highly impressionable, in these stages of our life we learn what is right and what is wrong through experience. When we perform an action and told that it is an improper action we understand the severity of the action. Society and the government set rules and moral codes by which the populace must abide by. This is the aspect that society controls within our lives. We learn about the severity of the crimes if we were to take part in these actions. But we have a sense of judgement. The sense of judgement will help us evaluate a situation and decide what is the right thing to do, through these experiences we learn what is right or wrong and we learn that we must choose what is right in order to evade punishment.

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