
Stanford university

Stanford university
The university of my choice

Thursday, February 28, 2013

How To Study Properly During University Part 2

How To Study Properly During University Part 2
Select Where To Study
Where you select to study depends on two factors: the environment in which you are able to concentrate and the type of work you are planning to conduct.
·       The best places to study possess proper lighting-usually your dorm room, apartment, or the library.
·       In order to complete problem sets or brainstorming  possible test questions, you may want to study within a group or at least in a setting in which fellow students are available or discussion.
·       When you are reading book chapters or working on a research essay, you will probably complete your work with in an environment which is less social.
Improve your study habits
Here are some simple procedures you can conduct in order to assist you during study time:
·       Produce a routine detailing your study hours and locations
·       Select reasonable and specific goals that you can accomplish with in a study session.
·       Select topics that are challenging and require intense thought at the most productive time of the day.
·       Take breaks at intervals if they are needed, so do not waste productivity time by observing the material in contrast to absorption of the content.
·       Build a proper relationship with your students who you respect and can contact and study with.
·       Do not procrastinate and seek assistance when assistance is needed.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Summary U.S Olympic commitee medal given to Jenna Huff

              Jenna's Kindness Summary

 Jenna Huff a cross country runner was at a track competetion. Jenna was in second place behind Deb Guthman a fellow competetor. Both were in the final stretch, until Deb collapsed unto a kneeling position and groaned in pain. Jenna astonished by the situation rushed in to assist Deb. Jenna then proceeded to grab Deb by the arms and support her, she told Deb "You are going to finish this race" Deb with the support of Jenna jogged toward the finish line, and to ensure Deb's triumph Jenna allowed Deb to pass through the finish line before she had. 
Reflection: I believe this act of kindness is magnificent, this hirl is a perfect example of a star competeetor. Jenna's self-less action has gained her the United States medal of extreme sportsmanship.This action demonstrated the compassion of an individual who will succeed. Many individuals would have taken advantage of the situation and crossed the finish line instead of assisting their fellow competetor, But Jenna has exhibited the traits of a proper champion.

How to properly Study During University Part 1

How to properly Study During University Part 1
Develop Proper Study Habits
In university, you will need to build upon your study skills that you have learned in High School. The demands of a university class are probably more rigorous than what you are accustomed with.
You can succeed if you prepare properly for every class.

Perceive University as a full-time job, you spend 40 hours a week on class, labs, study groups, and doing assignments.
Being organized and managing your time properly are essential. Learn more about time management, and use the guideline below to assist you in the formulation of your study skills.
Decide at what time to study
Organize your time, and find out how many hours you need to study everyday. The construct a schedule.
·       Organize your free time throughout the day, in the evenings, and on weekends.
·       Considers at what part of the day you are alert- there are morning individuals and those known as night owls-and attempt to schedule your studying accordingly.
·       Consider whether you would be at a better mental state for a few hours at a time or during marathon sessions.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Student Success Statement

               Student Success Statement

"Choosing what is right is always the right choice you can make."- Alex Linares
I agree with this statement; i believe this statement is correct. We are expected to grow into proper citizens and express our favoring for the rules of society and government. When we are children we percieve the world differently, we are highly impressionable, in these stages of our life we learn what is right and what is wrong through experience. When we perform an action and told that it is an improper action we understand the severity of the action. Society and the government set rules and moral codes by which the populace must abide by. This is the aspect that society controls within our lives. We learn about the severity of the crimes if we were to take part in these actions. But we have a sense of judgement. The sense of judgement will help us evaluate a situation and decide what is the right thing to do, through these experiences we learn what is right or wrong and we learn that we must choose what is right in order to evade punishment.

10 Time Management Tips For Students Tips 5-10

10 Time Management Tips For Students Tips 5-10
Tip 5: Study your notes every day
Reviewing assists you in the fortification of the knowledge you have received, a benefit may include very little study time. You will also be prepared if you are called upon in class or have to take a pop quiz.

Tip 6: Receive enough sleep
Your cerebral area needs rest in order to function properly. Lack of sleep disorients your circadian rhythm, and therefore days will seem longer and your tasks will seem to be difficult.
Tip 7: Communicate with others and inform them about your schedule.
If phone calls or text messages have proven to be a distraction, inform your friend about your availability throughout the day.
Tip 8: Become a taskmaster
Assign yourself a temporal budget and plan your activities accordingly. Organize your free-time before you commit yourself toward an activity.
Tip 9: Do not waste time agonizing
Instead of agonizing and procrastinating, just conduct the activity. Wasting the entire evening worrying about something you are supposed to be doing is not productive, and induces stress.
Tip 10: Determine your priorities
You cannot conduct many activities at once. Establish the importance of each activities. After set attainable goals.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Student Success Statement

               Student Success Statement

 "It is better to be alone than to be in bad company."-Anonymous
I agree with this statement. I believe an individual is influenced by bad company and therefore they will not succeed. Youths are currently very impressionable, they are naive, they believe that the crowd who particiates in improper activities are "cool." This is the perception of the child, but in reality these children are low-life neglected miscreants. I would rather paritcipate in solitary proper activities than group activities that involve improper individuals. The company that a child will recieve from the "cool" children, will corrupt the child's innocence and guide him into failure. An example can be a child who is rather lonely or who wants to be "accepted", he has concluded that the life of the "cool" children is exhilerating, but in reality these children are failures. The "cool" children have no proper foundations and will therefore never succeed.

10 Time Management Tips For successful Students

10 Time management Tips For Students Tips 1-4
                              Tips 1-4
Organizing your life
Managing your time properly is an important element of success-especially if you are a student. If you set priorities that suit your needs and lifestyle, you will have a better chance of achieving your goals. Here are some tips that will assist you with your time management and organization.
TIP 1: Produce a to-do list Every Day.
Prioritize, take part In activities that are supposed to be accomplished first and then take part in activities that do not require much effort.
Tip 2 Use spare time properly
When you are commuting on the public transportation systems, use your time productively.

Tip 3: it is okay to say no
If your friend asks you to accompany him/her to a movie on a Thursday night and you have an exam the next day, realize that it is okay to reject the offer. Sort your short-term and long term-priorities.
Tip 4: obtain the proper time.
You will work much more efficiently if you figure when your productivity rate is at its best, if your cerebral area can calculate arithmetic in the afternoon, do not wait until the evening to begin the arithmetic homework.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Student Success Statement

              Student Success Statement

"Improvement begins with I."-Anonymous
I believe we must always improve upon ourselves across every aspect that composes us. Improvement usually begins with the targeting of an imperfection with in an aspect of ourselves. We must then promote action against the imperfection and improve we may need assistance from other individuals, we may ask for their perception of our actions and their opinions on ourselves. We must then begin through improve upon our imperfection, but an important factor in the improvement cycle is our will to improve and the acceptance of the need to improve. Such as myself i had to improve upon my organization, but what had contradicted with my improvement is my tenacity to accept my need for improvement, until i had accepted the need for improvement i was able to properly improve.

7 Habits Of HIghly Successful Youths

7 Habits Of Highly Successful youths Habit 7 Part 2
Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
3) Heart: Always do what is right in order for your Hear; your conscience will be peaceful. When you do what is wrong, your conscience will exhibit regretful sensations with in your heart. When you do what is you believe is honest, you will not regret anything. You heart can be equated to a compass- it grants you with a direction discernment. Just as a magnetic compass grants you directions gives you directions,

You internal compass- your heart will navigate you toward the proper direction and paths you will need to trod.
4) Soul: Study scriptures and other sacred literature daily. In other words, provide for your spirit, because your spirit is in need of physical compensation in comparison to your physical body needs temporal food to survive. Pondering, meditating, and reflecting are perfect soul enhancing procedures. Try listing your thoughts, feelings, aspirations, concerns, and decisions in a journal or a diary. Writing promotes focus and proper decisions.
Formulate the habit of daily enhancement of the physical and spiritual manifestation.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Student Success Statement

               Student Success Statement

" If you do what is right, you have no need to fear."-Anonymous
I agree with the quote. The negativity that has spread throughout this world torments our minds everyday and will forever. I believe that right can be equated toward light and light naturally shields from darkness which can be equated toward the wrong. The world that we walk upon is plauged by convolution and corruption, we must shield ourselves from the corruption by choosing what is right. Society expects many of us to be proper civilians the community bestows us with certain responsibilities and we must evaluate the responsibilities and partake in the actions that result in prosperaty. Our own judgement can either plauge us with darkness or shield us from the darkness, we must build resilience against influence that we evaluate are improper. Through proper judgement we will never fear the world.

7 Habits Of Highly Successful Students Youths Habit 7 Part 1

7 Habits Of Highly Successful Students Youths 7 part 1
Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
Youths should never be too busy in order to renew themselves. When youths “sharpen the saw” they are preserving their personal “self-sharp” in order to function properly. “Sharpening the saw” expresses the need for routine rejuvenation and strengthening the four key dimensions of life- the body, heart, mind, and soul

1.    Body: Eat wholesome fruits and vegetables, Consume protein from animalistic sources and non-animalistic sources such as legumes, Avoid illegal drugs, smoking, tobacco, alcohol, and tattooing. Exercise regularly and effectively. Acquire plenty of rest, Prioritize sleep because sleep offers proper biological rejuvenation. “ An early bedtime makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”
2.    Mind: envision the world properly. Read. Study. Think. Analyze. Seek to read proper literature constantly. Formulate intelligent questions. Observe. Develop your mind through positive “self-talk.”

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Student Success Statement

               Student Success Satement

 "Alone we can accomplish so little; together we can accomplish so much."-Helen Keller
We as humans have been very social creatures, we all have discovered that in many aspects of life cooperation is essential. When we discover cooperation as children we are austounded, we then observe cooperation after primal observations we begin to cooperate with others and we begin to prove our theories about cooperation, and we start viewing cooperation as an essential habit. The habits that exhibits cooperation and the acceptance of differences is known as synergy. Humans have built civilizations, government systems, structures, and educational systems through cooperation. We can accomplish so much as a group, but many members have different ideas that may contradict with your ideas, we then exhibit tenacity and refuse to work with  other people. Synergy is habit that assures your acceptance of other individuals who you may be working with. The benefits of cooperation are vast some may include: Beneficial productivity, and the enhancement of your communication skills.

7 Habits Of Highly Successful Youths

7 Habits Of Highly Successful Youths Habit 6
Habit 6: Synergize
Synergy is achieved when two individuals produce a product that is much better than if the individuals had worked in solitude on the project. Through this habit, children learn that they must consider the ideas of other group members. Synergy allows children to value differences and appreciate others. Synergy is the reward, the fruit that you will gather, you will gather this fruit In a vast quantity once you acquire more habits such as the win-win habit and the habits known as seeking first to understand. Learning to synergize can be equated toward forming V shape formations with others instead of working in solitude. You will be amazed

At your productivity level. Synergy does not just initiate. Synergy is a process. You have to achieve synergy. The foundation that is necessary for synergy is: Learn to celebrate differences.
A proper band is a sign of synergy. It is not just the percussion instruments, or the guitar, or the saxophone, or the vocalist. It is the unification of the band. Each band member introduces his or her strengths in order to produce something that could not be produced in solitude. No other instrument is more important than the instrument known as difference.

Friday, February 15, 2013

7 Habits Of highly Successful Youths Part 5

7 Habits of Highly Successful Youths Part 5
Habit 5: seek to understand, then seek to be understood
Because most people do not listen very well, one of the greatest frustrations of life is that many do not feel understood. This habit

Will ensure that a child will learn the most important communication skill is: Active perception.
Why is this habit essential for proper communication? Well the most beneficial need of a child’s psychology is the need to be understood. Everyone wants to be respected due to their unique biological organism. People will not expose their emotions unless they feel respected and loved by the populace. Once they perceive the world through the yes of the respected individual, however they may exhibit and relinquish information you may not want to hear.  People really do not appreciate your knowledge until they have evaluated your compassion.
Listen with your auditory organ. “100 percent of communication is retained in the words we have gathered. 53 percent is retained with in our knowledge of words that seem appropriate toward the situation at hand. 40 percent is retained with in our enthusiasm to speak.
Most People are would rather speak than perceive. We have one oral area and two auditory sensory organs. This teaches us to listen intently and speak with moderation. We obtain much more information when we listen rather than when we speak. Learn to perceive and perceive to learn.

Listen in order to process information.
Seek first understand then to be understood

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Student Success statement

              Student Success Statement

 " So often in our quest to be more popular we loose sight of things that are far more important."-Sean Covey
Many children want to be popular, they want to feel appreciated by a community of "cool people" and therefore exhibit their naive attitude and delusional perception. Many children idealize the idea of being popular, but these children are willing to defy the authorative figures and societal establishment. These children who eventually befriend "popular" children or miscreants will dissipate their objectives and expose their need for attention and delusional ideals. These children will prove that they have no limits when the situation pretains to the subject of popularity. Many children will pierce their ears or other parts, many will wear clothes exhibiting profanity but for what purpose! Many of these youths want to establish friendships with miscreants! I have seen Youth's academic proficiency decline due to the fact that they want to establish a friendship with a community of people who have no future! 

7 Habits Of Highly Successful Children
Habit 4 : think win-win
Children can learn nurture the belief that is able to create an atmosphere known as win-win in every relationship. The habits encourages the idea of any given discussion or situation in which both partners can arrive toward a mutual agreement. Your child will learn to  appreciate the accomplishments of others instead of being insulted or challenged by the accomplishments. Win-win is a belief in which a child expresses equal chances of accomplishment between others. It is both a nice and a resilient belief. I will not step on you. But I will not be your doormat either. You are compassionate toward other people and you want them to succeed. But you are also preoccupied with your own success. Win-Win is abundant. It is a belief that inspires sharing an compassion. It is neither you or me. It is both of us this belief can be equated toward a all you can eat buffet in a sense.
Win-win always creates in abundance. Perhaps the most surprising benefit about thinking Win-Win is the good feelings it grants. The true test of whether or not you are thinking win-win or one of the alternatives are your emotions toward your belief. Win-lose and Lose-win thinking will cloud your processing and judgment. Win-win will fill you heart with proper and sincere thoughts.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Student Success Statement

              Student Success Satement

" You cannot do wrong and feel right, it is impossible."- Ezra Taft Benson
It is rather impossible Mr. Benson. When someone commits an improper action they feel guilt, guilt is an innate feeling that promotes an inescapable grasp of resentment. Therefore you cannot feel right or proper when you have commited an improper action. From the our first improper action we learn about the constrictive powers of guilt, we learn that when you have commited an improper action the evaluation of the action is accompinied by guilt. Individuals will never benefit from inproper actions, the action will plauge your mind and slumber in the recesses of your thoughts. Guilt is a rather powerfull emotion it degenerates the human body and ravages the mind. Guilt is always expressed through physical and mental reactions such as: sweating, anxiety, fast pulse, mental instability, and many other reactions are associated with guilt. So inorder to prosper we must choose to associate ourselves with what is right.

7 Habits Of Highly Successful Children

7 Habits of highly Successful Children Part 2
Habit 3: Prioritize
Habit three is associated with Will not power. This habit assists children with the prioritization and management of time so they can focus upon and complete   important goals in their lives. Prioritizing also assists with the dissipation of fears and being strong during difficult times. It is prioritizing during life. Placing first things

First deals with objectives that are:
Important or not important, urgent or not urgent. Lets look at the four quadrants of prioritization.
Quadrant 1: Objectives that are important and or urgent
Quadrant 2: Objectives that are important but not urgent
Quadrant 3: Objective that are not important but urgent
Quadrant 4: Objectives that are not important or urgent
1.    Important and urgent

2.    Objectives that are important but not urgent
3.    Objectives that are urgent but not important

4.    Objectives that are neither urgent or important
Quadrant 2 is the ideal quadrant to prioritize, doing things that are important but not urgent. Here are the priorities come into play. The results for indulging your time within quadrant 2 are:
1.    Control of your life
2.    Balance
3.    High performance

So in what quadrant should you prioritize? The key is to delve within quadrant 2 and this is achieved through proper planning. Spend more time planning and incorporating the most important objectives first. Properly visualize your goals and prepare to achieve them!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Student Success Statement

            Student Success Statement

" The only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded lies in the difference of their habits. Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked doors of failure. Thus the first law i will obey, which precedeth all others is- 'i will produce good habits and become their slaves'." Og Mandino
This quote is right as i may say. Those who have developed proper habits will succeed because they have developed an infrastructure that promotes proper behavior. People who have not succeeded are unable to build the infrastructure that will help them reach success. Proper habits are metaphorical keys they will unlock the latch that intervenes with our success. With proper habits we pave a road this road will act as our guide through the world. With improper habits we severe our connection toward the road that leads to success. We build habits at the time in which we are highly impressionable and at this time we can either strengthen our ties toward the road of success or sever our tie with sucess. One example may include a child who has attained a habit that involves working hard and striving for proper grades, and a child who has attained a habit that involves inactivity. Which child do you think will succeed? I believe the child with the proper habits will succeed he has strengthened his ties to the road of success. But the other child who has developed improper habits, can succeed by composing himself/herself and building a proper foundation and therefore building proper habits.

7 Habits of highly Successful Children

7 Habits of Highly Successful Students Part 2
Habit 2: Begin with the end in Mind
If children are not clear about what they want to do in their lifetime, they may not be sure about their values, their goals, and their ideals. Help your child create their own proper objective which will serve as their template and through that template they will build a road that will act as their guide toward the decision making process.
“Keep your eyes on the price.” Determine your objectives and persevere until they have realized and achieved their objective. Then set another goal or objective that you would proceed to achieve.

Begin with the achievement of your particular objective and visualize then realize. Start by targeting your objective cerebrally: you have to know what you want to achieve.
One objective you must establish for yourself is the prize of an honorable graduation from high school- but you must receive your diploma honestly and with integrity.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Student Success Statement

               Student Success Satement

" Whether i fail or succeed shall be no man's but my own. I am the force."- Elaine Maxwell
This satement is a proper statement. Whether or not  we succeed is our doing. We produce the outcomes that are evaluated as success or no success. We as humans are responsible for our own proper perception of the world around us, whether to choose what is right or choose what is wrong these actions are therefore evaluated by the populace and we will be held accountable for our actions. We must not blame anyone else for the mistakes we have made that are associated with our doing. We may be a proactive force within our life or a force of inactivity. The distinctions throughout the forces are rather easy to understand one leads toward success and the the other one does not. There are other external forces that may intervene with our force of success or external forces that may strengthen the force of insuccess and these are improper influences, but we must not astray from the path of proactivity.

7 Habits of Highly Successful Children Part 1

7 Habits Of Highly Successful Children Part 1
Habit 1: Be proactive
Being proactive is the key to the discovery of other habits. Help your child take control and responsibility of his or her own life. Proactive individuals understand that they are responsible for their own happiness or sorrow. They do not blame others for their own actions

Or feelings. Proactive people realize that they are in control, that they are the captain of their own life: that they are in control of their own, decisions, thoughts, goals, actions, and priorities. Proactive people are catalysts: They do not wait to be told what they are supposed to do, they assume control of their life and enthusiastically navigate toward their own achievement, their duties, their actions, and their own responsibilities, Their obligations. Choosing to do what is right is a proactive decision. Obey the rules. Obey the law. Obey you instructors. Obey with exactness, and you will achieve what you want to achieve. So be proactive and intuitive.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Student Success Statement

                Student Success Satement

            "Keep your eyes on the prize"- Anonymous
This quote is a rather trite like quote. This proverb is a widely used proverb. I was taught as a child many things but one of the most inportant lessons was perseverance i was told if i wanted somethong i would have to work hard and persevere. My answer is and always will be yes, everyone wants something, we all want to succeed within our own boundaries of perception. The motivation to succeed lies in the effort of the individual, if you were to not display effort, then you would not achieve anything. I am a rather ambitous child, my motivation is both financial success and knowledge. If i do not astray from my coordinated path i would inevitably succeed. I am sure i would never astray form my path. We must percieve within ourselves and evaluate our motives, then conclude what we would like gain from the effort we would display. Success is limited toward the perception of a certain individual, many would just beleive success is attributed with wealth. My goal personally is to attend stanford and recieve my degree in physics and/or Medicine, i have evaluated my desires and have concluded that this is what i want.

10 Tipsfor Student Success From St. John's University

Ten Tips For Student Success St. Johns University
1.     Attend your classes. Remember the words of Woody Allen “Seventy percent of the success in your life is attributed toward Punctuality.”
2.     Associate yourself with the faculty members. Associate yourself with the faculty members discover their office hours and contact information.
3.     Make sure the faculty recognizes you. Position yourself in the front of the class so your instructor can recognize you. Participate in class discussions. Consult your teachers during their office hours.

4.     Use a daily planner. Note the dates for exams, assignments, and term papers etc.
5.     Be organized. Prioritize your responsibilities. Manage your time. Remember everyone has the same 168 hours a week, only some of us manage their time in a better fashion.
6.     Know you camp resources. Visit your Academic’s Dean Office regularly. Familiarize yourself with the services and programs offered by the counseling center, the Freshmen center, the career center, the campus ministry office, and the student life office.
7.     Care for your health. Receive enough sleep. Nourish yourself properly. Exercise regularly. Make proper and mature decisions drugs and sexual interactions. Visit the health facilities of necessary.
8.     Work only if it is necessary. Try not to exceed 20 hours during the school week. If possible, work in the campus facilities. Apply for financial aid or loans if necessary. If you need them. Manage you finance wisely.
9.     Get involved in campus activities. Campus activities will provide you with valuable skills, expand your social network and enhance your self confidence. Seek opportunities to apply your career and what you have learned.
10.                        Keep your eyes on the prize. Clarify your goals. Recognize why you are in university or an institution of learning. Visualize you success everyday.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Student Success Statement

              Student Success statement

"you make your habits and your habits make you."= Anonymous
I agree with this quote, my habits do effect the mannner in which other individuals percieve me. We as childre are taught what is right, but we are also presented with the opposite of what is right and  that is improper actions. We are then heavily influenced by our upbringing, our parent or other influential forces aroung our home and therefore craft our habits through time and influence. Influence may either be beneficial or unbenenficial when we develop our habits. Habits can be developed at any point in our lives, but the stage in which we exhibit vulnerability, is during our childhood. We are then left to decide whether or not to mold our habits through a beneficial aspect or an unbeneficial aspect. An example is the habits developed during childhood, another example may be habits developed during another impressionable stage in our lives known as late childhood or puberty, The habits we developed will define us through an external and an internal aspect, Habits effect the manner in which society percieves the individual and classifies the individual.

7 Habits Of HIghly Successful Children

7 Habits of Highly Successful Children
For children, life is not a playground it is a jungle. And, being the parent of a child is not an easy task. In this book the “Habits of highly successful children,” the author Sean Covey attempts to provide “a compass that provides a proper learning establishment for a parent and a child and their daily encounters.”
How will they deal with peer pressure? Motivation? Success or lack there of? The life of a child is filled with tough inconveniences and life changing decisions. As a parent, you are responsible for helping them adapt toward the principles and ethics of a proper civilian, and though your teachings they will have a successful life.
While it is proper to instruct children upon the process of life navigation, “children will be heavily influenced by their parents and therefore learn from them,” Covey states. So practice your sermons, your example can be very influential.

Covey himself has done well by following a parent’s example. His dad, Stephen Covey, wrote the book “ Habits of Highly Successful people,” which sold over 15 million copies, Sean is like his father and therefore is not lazy. His own book has sold over 2 million copies. Here are some of the habits listed, and some ideas for helping you child understand and apply the skills.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Student Success Statement

                       Student Success Statement

"Nothing is ever gained from doing what is wrong"-Wilford Woodruff
I agree with this statement nothing is gained from doing what is wrong. Doing what is wrong detracts from your morality your ideals, The corruption that plauges you mind detracting your own inhibitions. When you do what is right many beneficial results are gained, doing what is right will enlighten the individual who had chosen the right. We are taught as children to envision what is right as an enlighting force, but we are also taught to envision what is wrong as a force of corruption. We live in a societal world in which you are expected to be a proper citizen. But you have the freedom to embody what is right or what is wrong.

Profile Of A Successful Students Part 3

Profile Of a Successful Students Part 3
….. Owns or has access to a computer with internet access and an email.

You do not have to be a computer expert to be successful through an online learning perspective- but you must have a personal computer with reliable internet access, as well as basic level competency in the use of computers. Owning a computer with internet access form your home is a ideal, but many students use computer labs and other facilities to complete their work.
.. is proficient in computer use and is willing to learn new computation skills.
We stated that you do not have to be a computer expert to be successful through an online learning perspective. However, there are some basic technical skills that need to be mastered prior to the enrollment in an online learning course.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Profile Of A Successful Student Part 2

Profile Of a Successful Student Part 2
Work together. There are a number of ways to ensure you properly fulfill your goals through your educational experience. First, participate fully. Engage regularly in discussions and be willing to share your own personal, professional, educational experiences. You can associate yourself with your classmates through the dialogue in a course environment- sometimes even better than in a contact class. The same applies toward the instructor. Be sure to contact your instructor- especially if you are experiencing difficulties. Your instructor shall be your guide and therefore assist you with any difficulty you are experiencing.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Student Success Statement

                         Student Success Statement

" It is not where you live by how you live is what is important. It is not where you play the game but how."-Mr. Haymore

This satement is proper nontheless. We believe in society and have been taught that the actions a human initiate upon defines him or her. This delves into proper life applications, such as the comparison between two communities. We where asked whether we preffered a rural area or a proper beachside house, many of the individuals preffered the beach house. This statement presents us with a question and we must answer such, i believe a human should be defined through their attitudes, their actions, not their physical possesions or their financial situations. Many people respect other individuals in seek of wealth and do not care whether they participate in humane or inhumane actions. We humans are viewed as higher thinking oranisms we must evaluate  before we act, and whether we are financially stable or not we still hold power, the power to impact a community through a proper or improper action. And that is how we are evaluated by other individuals. 

Profile of a Sucessful Student Part 1

Profile of a successful student Part 1
A successful student..
…..assumes responsibility for his or her own learning
Online learning can be a powerful, stimulating, and engaging experience for a student who can work or think independently. However since most or not all learning takes place during independent excursion, you would not have access to the intuitive environment that is the classroom. Online learning requires a significant effort and commitment from you. All education is described as

The effort you are willing to invest in the experience- this is particularly true in the in the online environment. Commitment, self- discipline, self-motivation, are all keys qualities to ensure the success of an individual in an online course.
…… comfortable and confident with written communication.
Reading and writing are the bases of many online courses, so it is critical that you feel comfortable with this form of communication. While some courses contain modules that include videos or other activities, all of them require significant amount amounts of reading. And nearly all your communication exploitations with your classmates and your instructor(s) will be in written format. If you find communication through writing irrational, you would want to address these issues before enrolling or while enrolled in an online course. The PSU Writing Center is available to assist you.
….. is willing to be a member of a learning community.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Student Success Statement

                        Student Success statement

" Goodneess is the only investment that never fails."- Henry David Thoreau
I agree, if we invest effort in beneficial and proper actions we will be compensated. The investment in proper activities or "goodness" will never fail to compensate the donor of his effort to act properly. Investment is a word usually associated with financial and economic studies. Investment through a philosophical point of view retains the same meaning. If we were to properly invest our time into a proper activity, we would probably benenfit from the activity. If we were to invest our time in an atrocious activity we will be compensated improperly, through a misfortunate situation. Many investments may benefit the investor through time, If the investor was required to invest effort and did not muster enough effort, the investor might have failed and will nonetheless be compensated through what is known as criticism and encouragement, these driving forces illustrate  survival through effort, if you were critcized? would you not invest much more effort in the area in which you were criticized. Choosing what is right is one of the many investment that does not fail, the effort you displace in choosing what is right, will always be beneficial.