
Stanford university

Stanford university
The university of my choice

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

SQ3R: A Great Reading And Studying Mehod

                             SQR3:A great reading and Studying Method
Improve you studying skills
SQ3R is an acronym that describes:
·        Survey
·        Question
·        Read
·        Recite
·        Review
SQ3R is a proven method that will allow you to improve your studying skills.
In university, You will be required to participate in a vast amount of literary studying. You will often have to complete reading assignments from several different books, for several different courses at the same time.
SQ3R assist you in the action of producing beneficial results from your reading and studying, and therefore you can utilize your time efficiently. Here is how the mechanism is structured.
Suppose your assignment is to read one chapter. First survey the chapter through the action of reviewing highlights with in the chapter:
·        Read the titles, headings, and sub headings.

·        Examine words that italicized or bold.
·        Examine charts, graphs, maps, or other visual material.
·        Read captions.
·        Read the beginning and the end of every chapter.


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