
Stanford university

Stanford university
The university of my choice

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Student Success Statement

              Student Success Statement

" Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow."- Robert Kiyosaki
The statement suggests that we must focus on the present situations in order to shape success if we desire. If we decide to be inactive what will we succeed, success is derived from our present actions, and therefore our future is decided by our present actions. If you were to state that you would become a successful business man, would other individuals not inquire upon your motives and ask you what would you do to become a successful business man? would you provide a thorough explanation? or would you presume you would become a successful business man as if it were predetermined? Therefore the individual who is prepared to provide an explanation is an individual who is actively shaping his life, and the individual who presumes he will succeed is an individual who is inactive with in the process of creating a proper life so therefore he or she has not utter purpose.  

SQ3R: A Great Reading And Studying Mehod

                             SQR3:A great reading and Studying Method
Improve you studying skills
SQ3R is an acronym that describes:
·        Survey
·        Question
·        Read
·        Recite
·        Review
SQ3R is a proven method that will allow you to improve your studying skills.
In university, You will be required to participate in a vast amount of literary studying. You will often have to complete reading assignments from several different books, for several different courses at the same time.
SQ3R assist you in the action of producing beneficial results from your reading and studying, and therefore you can utilize your time efficiently. Here is how the mechanism is structured.
Suppose your assignment is to read one chapter. First survey the chapter through the action of reviewing highlights with in the chapter:
·        Read the titles, headings, and sub headings.

·        Examine words that italicized or bold.
·        Examine charts, graphs, maps, or other visual material.
·        Read captions.
·        Read the beginning and the end of every chapter.


Friday, April 26, 2013

Student Success Statement

              Student Success Statement

"There is no justification ever for choosing any part of what you know is evil."-Ayn Rand
Thank Ayn rand for this wonderful statement. We must never attempt to justify an unjust action, because the action will always be improper. We all know even though we participate in an improper action we cannot justify the action because it will always be categorized as an improper action and we cannot change that. But what is right or wrong is heavily influenced by the bases of society and the ideas that the society exhibits. The ideas are also heavily influenced by leadership, culture, philosophy, social organization, and financial situations. Therefore society decides what is correct and expects the citizens to embody the ideas, morals, ethics, and values it has imposed upon us. Would you expect the actions of a communist country to be deplorable in the eyes of the capitalist institution and vice versa? Therefore i am unsure there is a definite right, but the closest item that allows us to identify a definite right is our moral compass, which allows us to generate impulses upon our perception such as guilt. I still greatly believe that the moral compass allows us to differentiate what is right and wrong clearly and that an evil action can never be justified.

Reading 5 Tips For Success Tip 5

Reading 5 Tips For Success Tip 5

Tip 5:Preserve a list of questions
When you are confused while you are reading, record your issues. Sometimes your questions are answered as you read forward. If not do not be afraid to ask for clarification. Remember, teachers create assignments; They have read the text so therefore they are familiar with them. When you have specific questions, your instructors can

Provide you with clarification that will allow you to understand the material. Learning is developed through the questions asked and constructed by the learner.
Asking questions intended for yourself, instructors, or acquaintances, is a great learning method. When you cease inquiring, you cease to exist to a greater extent. Read actively by silently questioning yourself as you read. Questioning immerses you into the material you are reading and therefore will expand your mental capacities more than almost any activity.
The philosopher Sir Francis Bacon Once said, “Knowledge is power.” Improving your reading comprehension will allow you to gain important knowledge and exerting the potential of your education. So always question.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Student Success Statement

                Student Success Statement

"When i was teaching basketball. I urged my players to try their hardest to improve on that very day, to make the practice a masterpiece  This rule is even much more important in life than in basketball. You have to apply yourself every single day to become a little better. By applying yourself to the task of becoming a little better each day and every day over a period of time, you will become a lot better. Only then will you be able to approach being the best you can. It begins by trying to make each day count and knowing you can never make up for a lost day."- John Wooden
This quote is a marvelous example of the dedication that must be exerted in order for an individual to improve. If we expect to improve we must dedicate ourselves and exert effort, if we were to not exert enough effort for a continuous amount of time how can we expect to improve. There are several different aspects that attribute themselves with improvement  but the most important is the amount of dedication and effort an individual exerts. These traits provide insight toward the motivation of the individual. This quote's message can be implemented into our daily activities, we must apply ourselves and exert effort with in every activity if we wish to succeed.

Reading 5 Tips For Success Tips 3-4

     Reading 5 Tips for success Tips 3-4  

Tip 3: Do Research
Literary critics have written a vast amount of analytical and critical pieces on countless pieces of literature. If you are having difficulty understanding a particular piece of text, research the piece of literature and attempt to interpret the opinion of several individuals. In addition to increasing your comprehension, you will also be exhibiting initiative, this quality is very important. Always utilize legitimate and scholarly sources, not condensed study guides. Researching properly will increase your achievement greatly.

Tip 4: Utilize a Dictionary
Make sure you have access to a dictionary while you are reading. You can often discover the definition of an unknown word using context clues, but sometimes you cannot. Rather than skipping the words that seem unfamiliar, attempt to discover their definition. Your comprehension will increase greatly, and your vocabulary will also increase.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Student Success Statement

               Student Success Statement

"Every-time i have done something that does not feel right, it has ended up not being right."-Mario Cuomo(52nd governor of New York.)
There are many consequences involved with a wrong choice. When we participate in action that is not correct our mental state begins to deteriorate until we resolve our predicament, from a young age we are taught what is correct or what is incorrect, that is when we begin to perceive the world as two halves, the correct halve, and the incorrect halve. When we are deciding whether or not to participate with in an action we categorize our choices, some individuals will immediately decide to participate in the incorrect action, but some might not be aware of the severe consequences that will proceed, once they have been punished do they realize they had done something incorrect. The mental instability associated with wrong actions or choices is known as guilt.

Reading: 5 Tips for success

              Reading 5 tips for success
Reading and writing are both skills that coincide. If you clearly understand a test you can transcribe and interpret the test properly. So it is important to develop your skills in both. This tips will allow you to improve your reading comprehension.
                                                    Tips 1-2
Tip 1: Annotate
Become an active reader. Instead of passively reading a piece of text, transcribe notes pertaining to the plot, important story elements, or significant ideas within the text.

Tip 2: Interpret The Author’s Writing Style
Every author writes through the stimulation of a purpose, utilizing deliberate methods in order to successfully relate specific information to the audience. When you are reading, attempt to locate patterns with in the author’s writing. For example you may notice repetition of key words, phrases, or symbols-or the use of a distinct form of sentence structure. Authors employ these strategies in order to allow the readers to comprehend the central argument or theme, so I urge you to explore theses techniques and the manner in which they are employed.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Student Success Statement

              Student Success Statement

                        The Three Don'ts-John Robert Wooden
1. Do not wine
2. Do not Complain
3. Do not make excuses
This quote conveys the responsibility of a human being, our species are aware of our accountability for our own actions. We must abide by the the ethical conduct that has been constructed by society, only then will we understand the importance of the basis of society and the circulation of ethics and morals. We are and will always be accountable for our own actions, if we were to participate in an action that is unruly we will be punished and during the punishment we must not formulate excuses, we could have easily chosen to not participate in that action. Therefore it is our responsibility to acknowledge the "Three Don'ts," and abide by the conduct of society.

5 Tips That Will Assist You in the Preservation Of Your Motivation Tips 3-5

5 Tips that will assist you in the preservation of your motivation.
3. Select attainable goals
If you are having trouble writing a 25-page paper for your class because of the complexities, do not focus on the complexity. Organize your paper into different sections and work on each section individually. You can handle any project if you divide your project into different sections.
4. Find A Social Support Network
Create a group of individuals around you who will assist you with your assignments. Mentors can be teachers and family friends who can distribute guidance and assist you in the development of new skills. Counselors can assist you with planning your courses and the exploration of university courses. You can also receive help from your family and peers who motivate you by listening and sharing your ideas.

 5. Acknowledge Your Accomplishments
Compensate yourself once you have completed an assignment or task. Walk outside, view an email, or eat a snack. Then proceed toward your next project.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Student Success Statement

              Student Success Statement

"The three Nevers"-John Robert Wooden
Never Lie
Never Cheat
Never Steal
These ideals are ideals that must guide a youth through his or her life. If we were to never cheat, steal, or lie our life would be prosperous. These are ideals that Mr.Wooden invoked upon his basketball team, therefore allowing them to prosper with in their selected fields of endeavor. The clarity with in the conscience that is achieved through the embodiment of these ideals allow prosperity.

5 Tips That Allow You To Preserve Motivation Tips 1-2

5 Tips that allow you to preserve motivation Tips 1-2
In order to succeed in High-school or in university, you must always maximize your effort. But sometimes it is difficult to preserve your motivation, even when you are aware about the importance of your academic success. Here are five methods that can be implemented in order to preserve motivation:
1.   Focus on important activity
The key toward academic success is your ability to focus on your work. Construct a list in order to be able to organize yourself. Then, formulate a plan. Although it is tempting to work on the simplest assignments first, but the assignments that consume the most time are probably the most beneficial.
In order to deter mine your priorities, rank your assignments
In the classification method of importance. Then arrange your time and devote more energy toward the assignments that impact your grade and your work. For example even though all homework assignments are important, studying for a midterm exam is a much higher priority than transcribing a paragraph for your English class. As you complete each task compare each task toward a step that will allow you to succeed
2.   Create new challenges
Altering your approach can allow you to preserve your interest in you assignment. If you are given an assignment similar to one in the past, alter your perspective about the assignment. If you wrote an essay for a creative writing assignment last year, attempt writing a poem. For book reports, select a History book, instead of another biography.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Student Success Statement

                 Student Success Statement

"Courage is being scared of death, but saddling up anyway."-John Wayne
Mr. John Wayne is expressing the importance of courage with in an individual's life. Courage is a quality that is constructed through the formation of your ideals. Courage strongly influences the manner in which individuals view you, if you were to lack courage individuals will view you as a coward, if you were to value and exhibit courage, people would view you as a courageous individual. But the importance of courage is the manifestation of courage within your life and the situations involved with courage, if a person was drowning, would you care whether or not you were adequate enough to save the person? Would you jump into the water and rescue the person or would you allow the person to drown?  I know i would jump into the water and assist the person regardless of my swimming ability.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Student Success Statement

                Student Success Statement

"You have only to do what is right. It will become easier by practice, and you will enjoy in the midst of your trials the pleasure of an approving conscience."-Robert E. Lee
I believe this statement represents the responsibility of an individual. In all sense we must abide by the rules and what is correct. In Mr. Lee's case what is right was determined by his society and the means of production and the distribution of wealth, and the ideals upheld within the aristocrats or commoners. When we participate within the decision making process do we allow our emotions interfere, even when our emotions lead us astray? Or do we allow our rational thinking to stimulate our decision? Or do we implement both? When we commit a morally correct action, do we participate with in the action because it has been deemed right by our society? Or do we commit an action in order to embody ourselves with in the morals of society? You might say " I donate money because society had told me it was the correct thing to do." But do you simply abide by the moral conduct? Or do you embody the moral conduct fully with a positive intent?
These are the questions we must ask ourselves in order to successfully construct an approving conscience within the changing ideals of society. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Student Success Statement

                Student Success Statement

"Be always sure you are right, then go ahead."-Davy Crockett(1786-1836)
This quote justifies the actions of many individuals who have acted through their own proper definitions of a correct action. Our actions are mostly regulated by our character but our character is composed from several components such as perception, ideals, morals, and emotions. In many situations we may feel as if we are participating with in a correct action, but once we commit the action we realize our wrong doing. And we must ask ourselves can i justify my actions? We must also differentiate the source of our action was the action stimulated by emotion or reason. On many occasions we would conclude that the action was governed by our emotions, but tiny percentile of the time our actions will be governed by reason, i believe that the most justifiable source is reason, imagine when we talk to a crowd and i ask what is 2+2? The crowd would immediately answer 4, this is my justification, even though emotions across individuals are diverse, but  2+2 will always remain  four, but if we have a powerful moral sense and we can justify our actions we can proceed.

Take Control Of Homework Part 2

Take Control Of Homework Part 2
Preserve assignments in perspective
Inform yourself on the points attributed with each test or assignment, and use your time accordingly. Do not waste time and use your time accordingly. Completing the most important assignments first is a proper technique to utilize
Involve yourself much more
Preserve your attention by taking notes, underlining sections, and discussing about topics with others that are related to your assignments. Learn actively and not passively. Be anxiously engaged in your studies and you will have a great experience. Demonstrate a proper attitude toward home assignments, and you will begin to appreciate the assignments.

Organize the information
Individuals process information in many different ways. Many individuals prefer to draw an illustration or utilize a chart in order to learn, others prefer to read out loud or create detailed outlines. Try to discover the methods that you prefer. Ask your instructor for recommendations if you cannot discover a method.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013



Student Success Statement

               Student Success Statement

"Character is higher than intellect."- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Character and intellect are both important aspects within the life of an individual, they contribute greatly toward your societal interactions and perceptions. Character is deemed higher than intellect due to the formation and the importance of a proper character with in the life of an individual and his life with in the borders of society. While intellect is expressed throughout and within, the trait remains largely an inner trait that contributes toward success and effects the manner in which other individuals view you, but character impacts the area of the reflection of the populace much more. Your character expresses your actions and your perception of other individuals and could greatly affect your interaction with other individuals such as a Contractor, a friend, your fellow workers, or your classmates and figures of authority.

Take Control Of Homework Part 1

Take Control Of Homework Part 1
Although very few students adore homework, homework does serve a purpose. Homework assists you:
·        Reinforce your knowledge from the class.
·        Establish study habits that will allow you to prosper in university.
·        Prepare for classes
·        Progress.

These are some tips that will allow you to efficiently and effectively work on your homework.
Allow proper concentration
Create a study area with everything you need (for example, a calculator). If you cannot access a quiet place at home, try the library or your school campus.
Know where to begin
Transcribe a list of every assignment you must complete and list all of the deadlines. Complete the most difficult assignments first, in order for you to complete many assignments properly.
Study during the same time lapse everyday
Even if you are not assigned homework every night, utilize the time to revise your notes. If working on school work is part of your daily routine, you will approach the task with less dread. You will also become a proper time organizer.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Chemistry and Living Systems

Student Success Statement

                Student Success Statement

"I think it better to do right, even if we suffer in so doing, than to incur the reproach of our consciences and posterity."-Robert E. Lee
This statement is a correct statement and a profound depiction of the approach toward morals. We as members of society must do what is right on order to prosper and avoid several consequences within every action. But many individuals decide to do what is wrong instead of enduring the trials that accompany a proper action, and therefore the consequences are severe. Proper individuals understand the concept of endurance and its relationship with committing a proper action. While individuals who want to avoid trials or suffering will risk their own posterity and consciences.

Note-Taking Strategies Part 4

Note-Taking Strategies Part 4
Revision strategies
Once you have implemented all of the skills shown in the previous sections, you will discover you have created your own personalized study guide. Cover the main section of the page and position key words and questions in the left margin of the page.

Preserve your plan
Review your notes the you write them on the paper and all of your notes once a week. That way, you will not need to study as much when it is test time.
You have been doing the work all along. Try utilizing the Cornell system, but if you feel as if the method is not functioning, utilize another method. Ask your classmates on their preferred method or ask the teacher for advice. Writing proper notes requires practice, compared to any other skill. Practicing will allow you to succeed during university.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Summary and Reflection

              Summary and Reflection

Tony Farmer a top recruited basketball star was sentenced to prison upon several third and second degree felonies. He in total was sentenced to three years in prison and five years in the vigilance of the law and the local police. The felonies included domestic violence, intimidation through threatening messages, and attempted kidnapping. During the court hearing the basketball star was distraught, his family was shocked and distraught.


I cannot believe the actions this student had committed  why would he waste three years of his life and his education? I thank the judicial system for their defensive actions upon the community. I am very disappointed at the populace who has committed crimes. This child has had his freedom and education taken from him due to his improper conduct, his actions have not allowed him to flourish with in his selected field of endeavor and i express the rather minuscule amount of sympathy i may hold for this once proud student who has severed his own ties to society. 

Note-Taking Strategies Part 3

Note-Taking Strategies Part 3
After class
As soon as class ends, review your notes and fill the areas that are blank with in the notes. Underline, Highlight, and utilize symbols in order to organize information. If you do not understand any information, ask your instructor or classmates for assistance.
After you have reviewed all the notes that were distributed during class, in the left hand area of the page write any key terms or questions your teacher might include in an exam.
At the bottom of each page, write a summary about the contents with in your notes. This assists you in the action of memorization of the material in order to utilize the information in a test.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Student Success Statement

               Student Success Statement

"He listens well who takes notes."-Dante Alighirie
This statement is rather correct. The individual who takes notes can properly understand a lecture, and therefore be enticed by the subsequent lessons and be able to comprehend the concept. There are also other aspects that may effect potential comprehension such as the legibility of the notes, his or her diligence and academic performance. When you are writing down notes you are listening and writing what is being said, but are you really understanding? Many students will understand be hastily listening, but the children who may necessitate clarification are probably lost and may need several examples to comprehend the material.

Note-Taking Strategies Part 2

Note Taking Strategies Part 2
During Class
One approach has been proven effective is called the Cornell Notes system. Here of some of the methods with in the system.
Start by using the main section of your page to write down your notes during class. Be sure to leave the left side of the face untouched and also a position in the bottom. Subjects to remember:
1.     Write down the teacher’s main concepts. Do not write down everything you hear.
2.     Leave blank spaces in order to explain any question you may have.
3.     Organize your writing. Pay attention to repetition and emphasis.
4.     Indicate main and supporting points as you are taking notes.
5.     Write down key vocabulary, important facts, or formulas.

6.     Ask questions. If you are confused it is beneficial to ask while the material is being introduced.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Student Success Statement Part 1

              Student Success Statement

"When you believe you can-you can."-Dr. Maxwell Maltz

I believe human derives success from both internal and external motivations, but without a proper goal or objective we cannot exert the determination to succeed, but a motivation is a stimulus that allows us to envision and create our goals. Our internal motivations will decide whether we succeed or we do not, in order for us to be motivated by the external world, we first must be motivated internally. Without a motivation how could you expect a goal to be manifested?, and therefore how can you expect other individuals to support your goal and expect certain actions from you?. But you also must expect success from yourself in order to succeed, expectation is one of the most powerful stimuli that allows an individual to succeed. Once you believe in yourself, you can construct a goal and succeed. 

Note-Taking Strategies Part 1

Note-Taking Strategies Part 1
How to Structure your class notes
Obtaining the most of high-school and university notes means immersing yourself with in the curriculum and managing your class time wisely. An effective note taking strategy can assist you in doing both.
Maintain Organization
It may seem obvious, but your class notes can only assist you if you can find them. When you are taking notes be sure to:
·        Organize all your notes in one location.
·        Date and number pages; organizing your notes allows you to understand the curriculum.
Before Class
Review the materials assigned for that class period thoroughly. Bring a list of questions you may need answered.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Student Success Statement

                Student Success Statement

"Tell me what is right and i will fight for it."- Woodrow Wilson
This quote awakens an inner activist with in many individuals. In this quote the former president emphasizes the need to oppose a conflict that may intervene with in your success, but what you are supposed to do is determine whether your ideals propose a proper benefit from the conflict. We must also determine whether the cause is "right" and just. When we confront an issue and fight we must be prepared to justify our motivation and reasons for our actions. In this quote physical conflict is not really represented, but what is represented includes confronting the laws that society has imposed, but again the reason for our conflict must be justified and righteous.

Distance education: is a virtual classroom for you? Part 4

Distance Education: Is a virtual classroom for you? Part 4 of 4
Emphasis on the written word
Most of the communication, as well as the course assignments, in distance education classes is completed through writing. That is a plus, because the focus on the written work allows you to develop as a writer- and develop a proper literature structure which is essential toward academic success. However, if writing is a serious debilitation for you, virtual education may not promote a beneficial opportunity until you improve your writing skills. Yes most virtual education, is taught through writing; therefore you need to be a good reader, love to read, and love writing also. Most of your assignments, will be written and submitted to your instructor in the

Written format.  Your penmanship must be excellent, spelling must be great, sentence structure must exhibit potential, vocabulary must be extraordinary, and you must own the proper equipment and possess internet access. If your internet communications at home are not functioning, you cannot participate in an online education session, so you must search for a location with internet access.
Decide what is beneficial for you
Distance education might not benefit a certain group of individuals. But it might be beneficial toward you. You should attempt a distance education program. You never know until you have tried. You might even develop a passion for distance education. While distance education might be the perfect alternative for several students, it may not benefit a number of individuals. So carefully consider your unique needs and interests and attempt distance education; then decide whether it is the right choice for you.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Student Success Statement

               Student Success Statement

"You must live within the present in order to secure your future."-Reverend Robert Craig
I absolutely support the statement. If we were to not participate in any beneficial activity at the current moment we would not be able to secure any amount of success. The usage of temporal reference allows us to picture the present moment and ask ourselves,What action am i conducting that will benefit me? If we were not able to adapt to our present situation, that would mean we are "living in the past" here we perceive adaptation as a fundamental ability that when applied to a certain situation can allow us to succeed. If we were to live in what is referenced as the "future" we would suddenly preoccupy ourselves with events that have not even occurred so how can we be certain, these events are truthful. Therefore we must focus on the present and attempt to secure our success.

Distance Education: Is the virtual classroom for you? Part 3

Distance Education: Is a virtual classroom for you? Part 3
Challenging aspects of distance education:
·        Lack of in-person interaction: Some educators argue that both teacher and student and student and teacher contact are essential toward learning. In a distance learning classroom, you may be able to participate within conversations or class discussions on a chat room, message room, or web conferences- the experience is vastly different from actual physical interaction.
·        Different levels of quality: Many distance-education programs supply excellent learning experiences, but others may not.

Research any program before enrolling, in order to examine the difficulty level. If you are selecting your own program, be sure to examine the programs accreditation before enrolling.
·        The need of self-initiative: Distance education allows you to create your own schedule. If you cannot properly motivate yourself, this might not be an ideal educational setting for you.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Student Success Statement

               Student Success Statement

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us."-Ralph Waldo Emerson
This statement is a wonderful statement by Mr. Emerson, we all have a moral compass within us that guides us. The actions that we have taken before will always effect us, what is with in us might have been a stimulant that had allowed us to participate with in that action. What lies within us is therefore the cause of the misery that lies in the past, so we must focus upon the correction of our internal conscience and the strengthening of our judgement skills. First we must look upon our influences and our growth as individuals, how were you raised?, which external individual has had a great influence upon you?, what mistakes have you made?, how have those mistakes effected your life? The conscience can be equated to that of a compass that has been influenced by our morals, ideals, and actions, and therefore we develop our conscience.

Distance education: is a virtual classroom for you? Part 2

Distance education: Is a virtual classroom for you? Part 2
Positive aspects of distance education
Independence and time management: taking courses online allows you to hone your ability to work independently. You also gain experience in managing your time efficiently.
A flexible schedule: Schools can only provide a certain number of class periods in a simple school day, and there may be a time constrain, therefore not allowing you to learn properly. Because distance education allows you to participate in classes outside of school hours, It allows you to explore your particular fields of interest.
Advanced and specialized classes: Some schools cannot provide advanced or specialized classes. Distance education allows you to gain experience in areas or subjects your school cannot provide you with.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Summary and reflection


The olympic Race Walker Alex Shwazer was banned from the London Olympic Games due to his use of performance enhancers, Alex Shwazer had previously recieved the gold medal for the 50km race walking competition. The italian held a very emotional press conference stating he was glad to have been caught utilizing illegal substances. Alex Shwazers medals were taken from him, thus leaving him with a barren landscape in which no success manifests itself.


I am outraged by the large number of atheletes that have used illegal substances. I believe atheletes use illegal substance due to their lack of ability or their lack of confidence. My opinion upon every form of cheating is "a person who cheats either lacks the ability or confidence and therefore expresses incapability and poor judgment." Why would he use illegal substances, all a person must do is train intensly and better themselves, an individual can nevre justify cheating, but he can exhibit incapability. Why would any individual consider such a deplorable action, i am horrified that the atheletes who utilize performance enhancers are atheletes who are idolized. 

Distance Education: Is a virtual classroom for you? Part 1

Distance education: Is a virtual classroom for you? Part 1
You may want to participate with in a class that your high-school does not offer. Under several circumstances you can enroll in the class through distance learning.
Distance education is a method in which you participate in a class without actually being present where it is taught. Internet-based technology allows you to participate in lessons and class sessions from almost anywhere.
Some High-Schools agree to recognize distance learning credits when the school does not possess the resources required to distribute the course. Distance education is often utilized to increase options in rural areas and increase the selection of AP® courses.
You might have to participate in a self-tutorial at home in the evening, or participating in a class that is being held one thousand miles away, along with other High-School students. Converse with your school counselor in order to widen your selection.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Stuent Success Statement

               Student Success Statement

"You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it right." Rosa Parks
I agree with this statement, we as individuals must never fear an activity that is a correct activity that benefits yourself and/or others. The fear we experience when you are commiting an unjust action is overwhelming, the feeling subsides and manifests as guilt, leading to anxiety and a combination of other emotions. Rosa Parks was an african american activist who fought for the civil rights of african american individuals, i believe she never feared the authorities because she knew she was serving a just cause. We are taught to never commit an unjust action, but when we do we begin to experience fear due to the complications that will arise from the problem. When we commit a correct action we feel full of sincerity and therefore we are assured of the beneficial action we are participating in.

Balancing High-School and Part-time Occupations

Balancing High-School and a Part-Time occupation Part 5
Additional Tips
Although attending an academic institution and an occupation can be challenging, it can be a rewarding experience if you utilize foresight. These tips can assist you in the handling of the situation and your time:
·        Discuss plans with your family. Balancing the demands of school and your occupation can be alleviated to an extent with support.

·        Start at a slow pace; do not commit a lot of occupation hours immediately.
·        Avoid time conflicts by planning you class and occupation schedules as far ahead of time as possible.
·        Utilize your time efficiently. You can use 10 minutes waiting in a line in order to read a chapter of your homework assignment. If your job allows for a lot of free time and your manager has no objections. You can utilize slow periods to do your homework.
·        If you commute to your occupation utilizing the public transportation system, bring your school work with you so you can work ahead.
·        Be flexible and willing to sacrifice. You may have to sacrifice some time that was going to be used in order to indulge in some of your favorite activities in order to complete you assignments.
·        If you are very preoccupied, then admit your preoccupation. Then sacrifice as much time in order to complete your commitments.
·        Schedule relaxation time. Everyone needs to implement some relaxation time in order to remain happy and healthy.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Summary and reflection: The olympic performer's rise and fall


Olympic track and field star Marion Jones won 5 medals during the 2000 olympic games. The reputation that Marion had constructed was demolished in 2007 when she was standing outside of a federal courthouse, after the discovery that she had used performance enhancers during her olympic career, only after Marion have fiercely denied her use of performance enhancers. Marion was sub-sequently stripped of her medals and her freedom when she was sentenced for six months in prison.


I believe Marion has demolished a reputation that she had obtained through lies and deception. I even question if her reputation was viable at all. She has disrupted atheletic ethics and disgraced the olympic community. One of the aspects that repulses me is her deception, she had denyed the use of performance enhancers to the federal institutions, i believe the action deserves severe punishment. I ask why had she harbored such guilt? How had she felt when she accepted the medals knowing she was accepting the medals through false effort? Marion jones is a disgrace to the olympic community and atheletics.

Balancing High-school and a Part -Time occupation

Balancing High-School and a part time occupation Part 4
He reminds students that “ the activities and courses students select varies considerably, so it is important for young people to keep their individual situations clearly in mind.” Mc Gowan continues, “For example, student should allow for the fact that they do not possess much time during performance seasons. Student athletes need to remember the time of the year they will be preoccupied with competitions and practice. Other students who are in classes

That necessitate a considerable amount of diligence outside of the classroom must store that reality with in their minds.”