
Stanford university

Stanford university
The university of my choice

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Student Success Statement

                          Student Success Statement 

" It is our duty to concentrate all of our influence to popularize what is sound and proper, and to disrupt what is unsound or improper."- Joseph Smith
Mr. Smith expresses his proper opinion with in the threshold of his quote and i agree with his quote. Our duty as citizens of a society is to live our lives and behave accordingly and idealize the aspects of society. We are distributed  freedom by society, and therefore the only proper way to achieve freedom is through doing what is right. Doing what is right is one of the major foundations of society. We must therefore popularize the foundation that society has laid upon us in order to sustain ourselves in this world. And therefore it is our duty to supress the wrong through several methods, our current method is known as community service and law enforcement. But a force we must combat is the growing popularity of an ideal known as rebellion, People who follow this ideal are disruptions toward society, they commit crimes and rattle the structure of society. But i fear this force is one we may have to supress forever. One example is  the growing popularity of academic neglectance, many children neglect school and concentrate upon doing what is right due to influences in the enviornment, Students who are adequate  concentrate upon doing what is right. This is the major difference between a proper student and an improper student.

Successful Students 9

              Successful Students 9
9. …… not hastily study for exams. Successful students know that divided sessions of study are more effective than a hasty study session, They practice the method of proper study every day.

If there is one thing that study specialists agree upon, it is that distributed study is much more adequate than hasty study sessions, late night, hasty, study sessions are known as “cramming.” You will learn more, remember more, and earn a higher grade by studying four, one hour a night sessions for Friday night’s exams than studying for four hours in Thursday night. Short, preparatory efforts are more efficient and rewarding, inattentive, last moment marathons. Yet, so many students fail to learn this lesson and resume the study method known as “cramming”, and therefore cramming becomes a wasteful habit.
When you “cram”, you are taking what Is known as a shortcut. “shortcuts” never provide proper results. Also when, this method is used, you will feel rotten and deceitful knowing that you could have done better if you had applied yourself. You cannot plant watermelon seeds and harvest fresh watermelons the next day. “cramming” for a test or project and expecting to garner a proper grade the next day, is as if you plant watermelon seeds

 Expecting to harvest fresh watermelon the next day. “cramming” for a test or project does not help you academically, so what is the motive behind the method. Planning ahead, preparing ahead, accumulate plenty of time and distribute your time properly.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Student Sucess Statement

                          Student Success Statement

" what is right is not always popular. What is popular is not always right."- Howard Conell

The satatement is a proper statement that expresses the degeneration of our easilly influence youth. Many people are influenced through several stimuli in the enviornment, such as friends, classmates, and even strangers. As children we are at a stage of development in which we must process information and intercat with the world around us. This stage in our life expresses our vulnerability, we can be easilly influenced by individuals. These traits progress until we are older children, our apparel is influenced by stimuli in the enviornment such as friends and comrades. A child's dream is to be popular and be liked by everyone and be acquainted with every individual, they seek company, but through such ideals they exhibit vulnerability and a naive outlook upon the world. I once had a friend who wanted to be accepted by a group of inappropiate influences and at times he was envisioned as ridiculous by many, He had tried to apply apparel worn by that group, but al i saw was a vulnerable and naive child. We must not let influences shape our lives.

Successful Students 7-8

           Successful Students 7-8
“…….understand their actions effect learning. Success students know their personal behavior affect their feeling and emotions and therefore affect their learning.”
If you act in a certain manner that normally produces particular feelings. Act as if you are bored, and therefore you will ensue boredom. Act as if you are uninterested, and therefore you will produce boredom. So next time you are having complications concentrating in the classroom, “act” as

If you are interested: Lean forward, place your feet flat on the floor, maintain eye contact with your instructor ,nod upon occasion, take notes, ask questions. Not only will this benefit you in a proper manner through you actions, your classmates, and your professor may get more enticed with your education.
8. ……converse about what you are learning. Successful students understands  a concept properly that they can translate the topic into and auditory action. Talking about something, with friends with your friends, or classmates, is not only proper for revising, it is a proven academic tool. Transferring ideas into words provides the most direct path for the strengthening of your memory. You really do not understand the material until you can process the material into an auditory format. Next time you study, do not study in silence. Talk about notes, problems, readings, etc. with friends, recite to an inanimate object, organize ans oral study group, pretend you are instructing your peers. “auditory learning” produces a whole host of memory traces that impact your education.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


                            HIgh School graduation- Pleasure or Pain?

A south Carolina mother had decided to disrupt the law by cheering at her daughter's graduation ceremony even though she was instructed to not applaud for any individual. But the mother contradicted the established law by cheering for her daughter, she was therefore escorted from the multipurpose room by an officer. The daugher cooperated with the police and the mother was released from captivity. This example exhibits one of the improper aspects of graduation, the mother had ruined the ceremony for her daughter. Graduation exploits the culminations of your efforts for a given amount of time, The mother had disrupted the ceremony and broken the laws that had been established. A stuednts who provides effort in his or her school work will be compenated at the time of graduation but a student who provides no effort will not be compensated at the time of graduation and therefore will feel remorse. 

Successful students 5-6

Successful Students 5-6
5. Do not sit in the back of the room. Successful students minimize classroom distractions that could interfere with learning.
Students want the best seat available for their entertainment dollars, but willingly select the worst seat for their educational dollars. Students that sit in the back cannot possibly be their professor’s associate.  Why do they expose themselves

In the temptations of inactive classroom experiences and distractions between them and their professors? Of course we all know they sit in the back of the classroom to seek anonymity both of which are antithetical to efficient and proper learning. If you are no trying to be part of the class then, why are you wasting your time? Stimulate your motivations, ask yourself is there anything better you would rather be associating yourself with?
6. ……..take proper notes. Successful students take proper notes that are legible and organized, Successful students review their notes quite often.
Why insert a topic into your notes you do not comprehend? Ask the questions that are necessary for your educational success. A proper review of your notes while you can still accurately remember the material will assist your memorization. The more you captivate in your mind during class will minimize review time. The whole purpose of taking notes

Is to revise what you have learned. The more you revise the more you improve your academic success and note taking skills.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Student Success Statement Reflection

                          Student Success Statement

"The time is always right to do what is right."- Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King a figure associated with freedom and equality. He  had chosen to gain civil rights for african americans everywhere in the united states. Yes time is term used to describe sequences and events. Choosing the right must always be done, and it is done through a sequence of events and that signifies time. Mr. king had shown his restrain by using a pacifist like method to gain the freedom of african americans. Through sequences and events something must be done and that is the proper action. If you have done something you are not happy with, redemption is exhibited through the form of time, you are given time to choose what is right in order to redeem yourself. Decisions associate themselves with time, there is either a proper or an improper choice and once these decisions have been formulated an event is generated. Decisions are made every day wether good or bad they generate an event or sequence, but the important aspect is that you are given a choice and the time to formulate the choice. 

Successful Students 3-4

            Successful Students 3-4
3. Ask questions. Successful students ask questions to provide the quickest route to ignorance and knowledge. In addition to securing knowledge you seek, asking questions and that has at least two extremely important elements. The process assists you in the understanding of your professor pay and therefore helps your professor pay attention to you! Think about it. If you want something, try to achieve it. Obtain the answer now, or

Fail to answer later. There are no inadequate questions, only inadequate silence. Learn that a student and a professor produce a union. Most instructors want to obtain, what you seek to obtain. They would like for you to attain proper grades in your classes and earn proper qualifications.
Successful students reflect properly on the efforts of any teacher: If you have learned the material, the instructor takes some justifiable pride in teaching. Unionize yourself with your instructor, they are not an opposing force, you share similar interest, the same goal. Associate yourself with your professor. You are the most valuable assets in you education. You are to create a union for proper and mutual success. Neither of you wish to fail.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Student Success Statement Reflection

                          Student Success Statement

"I know only that what is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after"-Ernest Hemingway

I believe this statement is rather true. We are taught morals as children, when we are instructed we are told the best moral is to do what is right. But is a moral not built upon the foundations of doing what is right, After we do a proper deed we are rewarded physically or spiritually for having participated in an act that had benefited an individual. We are also taught that people are instructed imroper morals, we do not understand such teachings as younger children and through proper instincts we experiment by commiting deeds and obeserving the reactions of society. We then proceed to categorize such actions as either proper or improper. If they are imroper we have a choice to proceed with this acation or not.

Successful Students Parts 1-2

Success Students Part 1-2
Successful students exhibit a combination of successful attitudes and behaviors as well as intellectual capacity. Successful Students……Are responsible and active. Successful students are involved in their studies, accept responsibility for their own education and are active participants, It is the reason between leading and being led. Your own efforts control you grade, you earn the glory or you are given improper qualifications, you make the choice. Active classroom participation improves grades without increasing study time. You can sit in the classroom and take notes like someone who is an active participant in their learning experience. Either option will cost you one class period. However, the former method will require a large degree of additional work to achieve the same degree of learning the latter provides in one sitting. The choice is yours.

2. Have educational goals. Successful students have legitimate and are motivated by their terms of career applications and life desires.

Ask yourself three questions: What am I doing here? Why have I chosen to be sitting her now?  Is there some better place where I could be present? What does my presence here mean to me? Answers to these questions represent your motivations. Without a doubt the most important factors in you success as a university alumni. If your educational goals are truly yours, not someone else’s they will motivate a vital and prosperous academic attitude. If you are familiar with your motivations represent and refer to them often, especially when you are tired of being a student, nothing can stop you.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Student Sucess Statement

                           Student Success Statement

" My strength is as the strength of ten because my heart is pure"- Alfed, Lord Tennyson.
This statement is marvelous. I believe strength is obtained to doing what is right, you exploit you weaknesses through doing what is wrong. I believe the uncorrupted lie in the proper area of the world they are the strong people who will lead prosperous lives. They exhibit strength, and that strength is used to repel corruption. As children we are born innocent or "pure hearted" we exhibit strength and proper behavior due to our blank minds. But as we grow we are exploited to the world and the influences the world beholds. We are either corrupted or strenghtend at a young age. A heart cannot be or will ever be the center of judgement those processes are controlled by the cerebral area. A person who is incorruptable exhibits proper jugdement and that is what makes that person strong and prosperous. A weak person is easilly influence and lives in a world full of delusion and corruption. A proper person is clearly the stronger individual. We must not be corrupted or we will lose the strength we have gathered.

Study For Multiple Exams Part 3

Study For Multiple Exams Part 3
English, math, foreign language tips: PRACTICE- especially foreign language. I is hard to succeed In foreign language class if you are just showing up and doing your work. But if you are in the room and try to reiterate them in the language you are studying it may assist you. Or if you send a simple text to your friend

Think about the message can you translate it to German or Spanish? These are some skills that will assist you.
Here are my final words of wisdom who want to get better grades in university: Time management and organization are critical key factors that will contribute to your success in university. Never be afraid to ask for assistance from your instructors. The instructors establish office hours to assist their students.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Walking Horses Reflection

              The Walking Horses training regiment Uncovered

The walking horses is an event held in tennessee every year thse horses are necessarily bred through natural selection. Mr. Jackie MCconnell was a horse breeder and trainer he is widely known as a trainer aand is paid a large qauntity of money to train and produce successfull horses. ABC news investigated his farm and it was revieled that they used inhumane methods of trining horse, forst of all they bruise their ankles and then they smother their ankles with hand sanatizer therefore tendering their tissue and ligaments, Then they cover the bruises and tie chins aroung their ankles and urge them to walk. Many of the horses who refuse to strot due to severe tendon complications are physically abused until they oblige. In an event 52 horses where tested for foreign chemicals in their ankles and all 52 horses where thoroughly checked and it was concluded that all the horses had foreign substances applies to their ankles. It was also revelaed that more than half of all walking horse trainers use this method as a form of productive training.

 These are inhumane ways of trainig a horse and what is the compensation a ribbon! I believe we must be compassionate toward our horses we must not isolate ourselves as the only worthy inhabitants of the planet. Mr. Mc.connell will face federal charges for his crimes and i strongly support his imprisoment. When asked whether or not he felt resentment Mr. Mc.connell did not replie. I believe Mc.connell is a mentally disturbed individual, would people not feel resentment iver physically harming an animal. We must not allow such inhumane actions to take place

Study For Multiple Exams Part 2

        Study For Multiple Exams Part 2
My strategies for written assignments: Everyone has their own writing styles. I generally came up with an idea and do massive amounts of research before I ever think about writing. I then organize my research and sometimes prepare an outline before actually writing. I always print the paper and then revise it the next day. That is the easiest way to properly proofread for mistakes. I have to wait a while until I revise my paper because in my eyes when I had currently finished I perceived it and thought it was perfect. But if I revise the paper a while later I encounter mistakes such as grammar errors , or inadequate writing.

How I succeed in team projects: Never assume someone is always on task during collaborative work. Have regular meeting to revise a member’s progress.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Study methods For multiple Exams Part 1

Study for Multiple Exams Part 1
How I study for multiple exams, deal with multiple projects: Really it is my time management which I had explained above. If I see I have multiple things due or to study for all the same time I spread out
Thursday then I will study for the test assigned Monday Thursday and part of Friday. Then my second Tuesday test on Saturday, then my second Tuesday test on Saturday as well as part of Sunday. Then Sunday night I can review for my Monday test because I had already studied for it. When the test is over I can start reviewing for other tests.
My overall study method: I try to elapse my studying over several days. I tire myself if I try to study all night.
How I overcome an initial bad qualification: If I received a low grade had probably predicted the outcome because I had not prepared properly or I had not used the correct study method for that particular class. I usually try to review what I had done wrong and at times I discuss with the teacher about the next exam and ask for suggestions.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Student success Statement

                          Student Success Statement

"Seek to do good and you will find that  happiness will run after you"- James Freeman Clarke
I agree with this statement. We must all necessarily do good, the only way to properly achieve happiness is through doing what is right. If you assist an elderly woman cross the road, you are doing what is right and therefore you feel joy. Doing what is right is one of the most important foundations in the world. We allseek to do good, weall seek to better ourselves, but the only eay tobetter ourselves is to chooose the right. We must observe situations and judge whether or not we are doing what is right. When we do right we feel joy. WE are taught as children to help other people and we necessarily feel happiness. One example is helping one of you classmates with their homework or classwork when we are thanked we feel joy, we have already expressed happiness. But there are problable stimuli in the enviornment that will alter such decisions. We must justify each behavior, we must not sever the road that happiness traverses.

Sarah's Academic Success Story part 2

       Sarah’s academic Success Story Part 2
My test study method: I have different strategies for different types of tests or subjects. For me, any type of math is exceptionally difficult so I have to spend extra time on my arithmetic problems. I would go back through homework problems or any additional study methods they could provide. If it was a class that required memorization or applying concepts I would create a sort of study guide for myself focusing on what were key focal points of the class. I would apply the terms and create an example

Or create different questions on the concepts focused on throughout the semester.
My time management secret: I always carry a planner with me. I also carry different colored highlighters to categorize the vents on my planner. For example pink is for personal appointment, yellow is for school work or events, and green is for my sorority. Although I use white out frequently. I can see in bright yellow that I have a finance project due on Tuesday, I need to start working on  the project the previous Wednesday so I could complete the project. My friends are always amazed at how early I accomplish things but this is all I really do.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

American Idol's Not So gentle giant

American Idol’s “Not so gentle giant”
“American Idol’s” Contestant Jermaine jones had been disqualified for his violent criminal past. He had been charged with public nuisance, and public aggravation. This man has chosen to disrupt the procedures of law and therefore he has been punished accordingly. We are offered freedom from the day we are born we are protected by the law but if we were to disrupt the law we would be apprehended accordingly to our crime. I thank American idol for their enforcement of the law. Mr. Jones had also been driving with a suspended license, when the officers had stopped him he had used a false alias. I thank our police for the apprehension of this criminal. It is not known whether this suspect was incercerated.

Sarah's student success story Part 1

Sarah’s academic success story Part 1
Time management became a key factor in university. In high school I would only study about 1 or 2 hours the night before the test and achieve a proper qualification. That was not the case in university. I made sure in  university I was prepared for each class sometimes that meant writing terms for the chapter we had read (even if it was not required.) to understand the terms. Therefore when the midterm or the finals came around I was able to understand what I had been studying. I started taking excellent notes in university. I may have done this in high school, but in university I had started typing notes after class. This helped me remember what I just went over in class then when we had a test one week later I was more likely to remember.
My overall study method: Structured. One thing I have learned was I had to adapt and change my study method according to the class. I could not study for a religion class the same way I would study for a finance class. But making sure to I had enough time to study for each class- even if it meant carrying a planner with me art all times was essential toward my success.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Student Success Statement Reflection

       Student Success Statement
“There Is no set path just follow your heart”-anonymous.
This statement is a statement used by many people. I always ask how do you follow your heart ? The heart is not the center of human emotion as many people believe, no the cerebral area is the center of emotion, the cerebral area regulate and controls the excretion of certain neuro-transmitter that initiate the action of an emotion. But one of the aspects of this quote and that is the part in which the author mentions that there is no set path for your life and I agree we as humans have been given the freedom and power to shape our life and individualize our selves from the populace. But at times children and other individuals become inebriated by their freedom and believe their mislead ideals will benefit them. But I do agree we must shape our lives and become proper civilians conducting charitable activities and having a career in which we are involved in an activity we absolutely enjoy doing.

Work Together Part 3 Assignment


                   Work Together Part 3
Here are my final words of wisdom for students who want to achieve better qualifications in university: A big thing that many people would not admit is to ask for help when you are in need of help. It is not horrible if you could not understand, It is horrible if you do not do anything about it. Plan your time correctly so that you are completing anything that needs to be completed and leave time to review your work. Write objective down and have great time management skills. Ask for help is probably the best advice I can provide. If you do not understand, go to the office, classroom, or ask one of your classmates. If you apply yourself, you will

Understand the material. I find myself thinking that I would have to provide much more effort to fail than to succeed. If that is not who you are, Then hopefully I have taught you that success is magnificent!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Work Together Part 2

                Work Together Part 2
English, math, foreign language tips: For arithmetic, all I can say is do the problems assigned. It is the only way to practice and that is all there is to arithmetic. It is the same for chemistry: If you do practice problems you will understand the material so much better because those problems are not just memorization like history, you need to be able to apply what you have learned in practical situations. As for  English. I am no longer taking it, but I would like to say leave yourself plenty of time to write essays and papers. They take time to get to get all the information out of your cerebral area and onto the page, so do no procrastinate.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Reflction: Mislead ideals


Many people  everyday choose misery over freedom. Gang activity must not be permitted anywhere in the world. Why would a person commit a crime? i ask myself this question everyday. This worls is full of corrupt individuals who commit crimes while dressed in gang affiliated clothing. i believe this world should be a harmonous world in which any individual is a peacefull person. Our society does not allow crimes and i am thankfull for our law enforcement. But why would people commit a crime do they value their freedom. In this society we are given freedom. Many of us value freedom and life as wellas rules and boundaries. People who commit crimes are often sad and mislead people who would rather be incarcerated than enjoy and value the freedom we are given. Why would people follow a gang? i believe they have corrupt and mislead ideals that will inevidently cause a loss of freedom.

WORK TOGETHER Part 1 Assignment 1/14/13

             WORK TOGETHER Part 1
I can and will work as part of a team as long as everyone in the team is willing to do their work. I do not like having to pick up the slack, but I will if I know that my grade will be harmed otherwise. My greatest academic success was in the first semester when I had to write a 12-page research paper. It was the longest paper I had even been assigned and I was a little scared. Also, it was the first paper in which I was not assisted. I had to argue in favor of or against something, But it could be from the sky is blue to hypnotism. I wrote mine on hypnotism. I worked on the paper for weeks and weeks. Every night I would be doing research or writing. I put so much effort into this paper. It ended up being just under 12-pages but it was full of information. I turned the assignment in and I got it back a week or so later, I had received the first A+ of my college career. All my hard work paid off because I got the grade I deserved. I was immensely happy and proud of myself.

Friday, January 11, 2013

                                         “Try a little harder to be a little better”
                                                 Gordon B. Hinckley
 When we commit a mistake we are told to try harder, then we realize that if we try harder we achieve the goal we had set we corrected our mistake. That is when we come to a realization, we learn that trying harder shall bring us greater rewards, but more importantly we improve. We all seek to improve because perfection is an attribute we cannot attain. We have a growing ambition to always improve so we must always try harder to improve. But due to us being prideful creatures we seek to improve instantly without much effort, these individuals seek a path of delusion.   

You Can Succeed Everyday Part 2
My strategies for written assignments: I try To outline before I write because then I will forget what I am supposed to talk about. I

Try not to leave them until the last minute because then I will just mess up my work. A lot of times I just write about my feelings. Teachers like your opinions. And if you can find something from the reading or research that relates specifically toward your life, they like it even more because it allows you take ownership of your own work  I write things that I want others to read: not things that I have to write because the teacher said so.
How I succeed in team projects: Personally I do not like working on group projects, especially the ones that I worked on in high school. However when it is required to work in a group, usually I try to lead. I do well in school and always have and do not plan to change that anytime soon, so when I need to work with people who maybe do  not care as much as I do, or they have more time to waste on things other than the project. I try to be in charge. That way know that that things are going to get done on time and that I am going to get a good grade. If I am working in a group in which all the people care then that is a different story.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tiger Woods Summary and Reflection

            Tiger Woods summary and reflection

WE have read an article pertaining to tiger woods the professional golfer with a horrible personality. His brother Kevin woods is suffering from a genetic disorder known as multiple sclerosis. Kevin Woods 52 is in risk of losing his home he cannot combat his financial problems due to his in ability to work. His cousin Erick woods has pleaded to woods updating Mr. Woods on Kevin's condition but Woods has not answered since 2006 Erick reports to ESPN that they had not asked for a financial compensation from woods but now they reach out for help and as everyone knows Woods is fully capable of assisting his Brother in need. I believe Mr. Wood is an ill-mannered foolish person for not assisting his own kin. I know how much danger multiple sclerosis can pose on a life. Multiple sclerosis is a disorder in which the white matter of the brain is being degenerated leading to motor issues and severe pain. No cure is available for multiple sclerosis and the life expectancy is 15 years or less. I believe Mr. Woods i s a very cruel man who is corrupt and deserve the solitude he has garnered.  

You Can Succeed Every Day Part 1
My overall study method: I break it up over several days and over the course of the evening and the day. Cramming never works for me so I avoid doing it. I will have longer sessions on nights before big tests, but I never stay up much later than normal before tests. I

Know that if I take the test tired the next day I would not do as well as If I was rested.
How I overcome an initial bad grade: I usually look over a test on paper to see what I did that the teacher did not want. Basically, I do not stress out about grades that much because for me they are not worth getting upset about. I do well because I know I have memorized the material. However if I do get a bad grade, or one lower than I expected, I make sure that the next time a test is coming I make sure to study even more so that I will not be surprised by questions.
                      CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Effective Study Methods Part 2 assignment 1/8/13

Effective Study Methods part 2
My time management secret: My secret is to use time wisely. I know certain days I do not have time to run errands or talk to my friends even. Each minute of this day is used for something. One thing that works really well for me is to write everything down. I mean I write everything. I write down if I am going to email someone, write letters, or study. It works for me to have a planner that goes by the

Day and shows me what I am going to do everyday. Knowing what I have to everyday helps me plan out the week and my days. If I know that I do not have time on Tuesday. I will try to get more things done on Sunday or Monday. I plan ahead especially if I am going on the road for volleyball. I bring my books and read on the bus, plane, or hotel room. Missing class is a killer to make up for, but if you are upfront with your professors, about having to turn in late assignment and not attending class.

Effective Study Methods Part 2 assignment 1/8/13

Effective Study Methods part 2
My time management secret: My secret is to use time wisely. I know certain days I do not have time to run errands or talk to my friends even. Each minute of this day is used for something. One thing that works really well for me is to write everything down. I mean I write everything. I write down if I am going to email someone, write letters, or study. It works for me to have a planner that goes by the

Day and shows me what I am going to do everyday. Knowing what I have to everyday helps me plan out the week and my days. If I know that I do not have time on Tuesday. I will try to get more things done on Sunday or Monday. I plan ahead especially if I am going on the road for volleyball. I bring my books and read on the bus, plane, or hotel room. Missing class is a killer to make up for, but if you are upfront with your professors, about having to turn in late assignment and not attending class.