Student Success Statement
"Honesty is the cornerstone of character. The honest man or woman seeks not merely to avoid criminal or illegal acts, but to be scrupulously fair, upright, and fearless in both action and expression. Honesty pays dividends both in dollars and in peace of mind."-B.C Forbes
My interpretation of the quote's significance is: The quote is attempting to convey the importance of the implementation of honesty within the life of an individual. Honesty is considered the best quality by numerous individuals, honesty is important within the study of ethics and moral character. An aspect that i have found interesting is the compensation aspect, the segment of the quote truly provides us with an illustration of the importance of honesty within our lives and the benefits it can presents us with. Honesty can reward the individual financially or morally depending on the situation, suppose an individual describes a crime scene after he had described the scene he was financially compensated. Now suppose an individual was honest while conversing with his friend, this individual's honesty had prevented his friend from committing an illegal action, so therefore the individual was compensated with the reward of the "peace of mind" or serenity. The rewards gained through the implementation of honesty can allow you to live a peaceful life.