
Stanford university

Stanford university
The university of my choice

Friday, April 19, 2013

Student Success Statement

                 Student Success Statement

"Courage is being scared of death, but saddling up anyway."-John Wayne
Mr. John Wayne is expressing the importance of courage with in an individual's life. Courage is a quality that is constructed through the formation of your ideals. Courage strongly influences the manner in which individuals view you, if you were to lack courage individuals will view you as a coward, if you were to value and exhibit courage, people would view you as a courageous individual. But the importance of courage is the manifestation of courage within your life and the situations involved with courage, if a person was drowning, would you care whether or not you were adequate enough to save the person? Would you jump into the water and rescue the person or would you allow the person to drown?  I know i would jump into the water and assist the person regardless of my swimming ability.

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