
Stanford university

Stanford university
The university of my choice

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Student Success Statement

                 Student Success Statement

"Honesty is the cornerstone of character. The honest man or woman seeks not merely to avoid criminal or illegal acts, but to be scrupulously fair, upright, and fearless in both action and expression. Honesty pays dividends both in dollars and in peace of mind."-B.C Forbes
My interpretation of the quote's significance is: The quote is attempting to convey the importance of the implementation of honesty within the life of an individual. Honesty is considered the best quality by numerous individuals, honesty is important within the study of ethics and moral character. An aspect that i have found interesting is the compensation aspect, the segment of the quote truly provides us with an illustration of the importance of honesty within our lives and the benefits it can presents us with. Honesty can reward the individual financially or morally depending on the situation, suppose an individual describes a crime scene after he had described the scene he was financially compensated. Now suppose an individual was honest while conversing with his friend, this individual's honesty had prevented his friend from committing an illegal action, so therefore the individual was compensated with the reward of the "peace of mind" or serenity. The rewards gained through the implementation of honesty can allow you to live a peaceful life.

Honesty 9 Of 10

                      Honesty 9 of 10
Honesty is known as the best quality. Employers need to be assured that you contain unwearied honesty if they were to trust you with certain company secrets.

How can you improve your exhibition of honesty? You demonstrate integrity every day when you complete your homework and combat the temptations that surround you.
What is Honesty?
·        Honesty is the quality that embodies what is factual or true.
·        Honesty is embodied through appropriate conduct.
·        You exhibit honesty when you are truthful, trustworthy, honorable, fair, genuine, and when you exhibit integrity.
You are exhibiting Honesty when you…
·        Complete your own homework.
·        Describe to your friend the truth.
·        Explain the true reason why you could not complete you assignment.
·        Focus on your own paper during an exam.
·        Complete your promises.
·        Return money the cashier had handed to you accidentally.
·        Write a report utilizing your own vocabulary instead of plagiarizing the material.
·        Admit you had committed a mistake.

·        Preserve a friend’s secret.
·        Return a wallet that you had found on the street.


Monday, June 3, 2013

Student Success Statement

                 Student Success Statement

"Stop worrying about whether you are going to win or lose and focus your full attention on what is happening right this moment."-Phil Jackson(11 world championships-coach, 2 world championships-Player, 2 High-school championships-player.)
The quote is attempting to convey the idea that an individual must focus upon their present objective in order to succeed. The present represents our current events, the decisions we abide by during the present can severely effect our future. Many individuals who are preoccupied with several unimportant aspects within their objective usually cannot devote enough of their time in order to properly complete the objective, these minuscule preoccupations can manifest themselves as obstacles within our lives if we are not able to prioritize and devote our efforts toward our present goals. Suppose a child is intent upon winning a certain competition he cannot properly cooperate with his teammates during the competition, this ambition therefore creates an obstacle within the life of this individual. Therefore we must be able to prioritize and devote our effort onto the present objectives.

Time Management 8 Of 10

            Time Management 8 of 10
Learn to properly manage your time and you will benefit during the time in which you are overburdened with demands- classes, homework, and activities- at times you may necessitate your family’s assistance. University provides you with a greater opportunity in order to expand your time management skills by managing your time in solitude. This is the beneficial aspect since most tasks require multitasking. You might need to provide for certain clients while you are attracting new clients, respond to emails while constructing a presentation, or you may need to order produce while you are managing several orders.
Someone once stated “Wherever you are, be there.” The quote is instructing us to focus on the present objective. Do not allow yourself to become inattentive and not be able to properly concentrate. You are not able to repair your mistakes, so you must devote yourself to the present objective! Conquer the present objective

And you will conquer the future objective. Work continuously through the action of devoting your time toward the present objective.


Friday, May 31, 2013

Student Success Statement

                Student Success Statement

"Truth is the only safe ground to stand upon."-Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
The quote attempts to convey the idea that truth can harbor us throughout many situations. The truth will always prevail among all the situations that intervene within our lives. Through my own interpretation truth can be equated to that of a protective lair which can allow us to succeed if we distribute the wonders that the shield offers us. No one can assure their moral stability without being truthful and evaluating themselves. Many of us believe we are truthful, maybe we are? but have many of us truly evaluated ourselves and considered the perception of other individuals, once the evaluation concludes we may be sure. Suppose a child is being questioned if he were to lie he would be jeopardizing his safety and the safety of the community, but if he were to tell the truth he would conserve the serenity within his conscience. One of the most important aspects of the idea known as truth is the serenity it offers us.

Examination Of The Details 7 Of 10

Examination of the details 7 of 10
When you observe and evaluate your mathematical calculations or when you retrieve information from online sources in order to write a paper, you are examining the details within the information. This skill

Can assist you in the workplace environment, whether you maintain a database, record the number of hours you have spent with clients or when you are composing an e-mail.
John Wooden, UCLA’s former great basketball coach who led the team into ten consecutive national championships, was asked what he attributed his success toward. Among a number of things, he mentioned that examining the details and revision were one of the most important qualities that must be implemented into coaching and within your own pursuits. He even examined the shoe-tying method his players utilized. If their methods were deemed incorrect he would instruct them upon the proper tying technique.
Details may seem minuscule  but from minuscule ideas great things can arise, therefore you must attempt to examine details and with the implementation of this skill you will experience substantial excellence within your academic career.


Thursday, May 30, 2013

Student Success Statement

                 Student Success Statement

"Everyone is the architect of their own learning."-Claudius
The statement is attempting to convey the idea of the importance of a student's involvement within their own education. A student will always be responsible for their absorption of knowledge. A student is the individual who determines the amount of knowledge they want to absorb and the complexities behind the knowledge. If the student is self-initiative he or she may guide themselves onto a proper future through the construction of an appropriate academic foundation. An academic foundation is created through the experiences gathered by the students once they are stimulated within an academic environment, this is the moment in which the student decides whether or not they will display effort within their academic studies. Other factors may effect the construction of an academic foundation, but a student will always be responsible for his or her displacement of effort within an academic environment regardless of the situation. Suppose a child is first brought into a learning environment he decides he enjoys the environment, as the years pass his enticement grows because he has realized that he can allow himself to become interested within his education. 

Calm Under Pressure 6 Of 10

            Calm under pressure 6 of 10
Very few alumni enjoy taking an exam. Yet functioning properly while you are participating in a strenuous situation is crucial for future success. Attempt to think of the pressure behind a test as practice that will allow you to better adapt yourself to the spontaneous events with in your life. Maybe one day you might have be confined toward a certain deadline, speaking with irate customers, wielding a scalpel or handling dangerous chemical compounds.
The most effective method to curtail pressure and to even eliminate pressure is the method known as preparation. Implementing the motto known as “Be prepared!” can deliver appropriate results the first time the motto is implemented. Prepare for an exam in order to avoid the stress associated with an exam. During an exam the implementation of this motto will allow you to exhibit limitless potential

And reveal the amount effort that you have applied toward the certain examination. You will be rewarded for the effort you have exhibited into your studies. Preparation removes fear. When you are prepared you will not fear. Preparation allows you to remain calm under stressful situations. Preparation generates energy and enthusiasm: therefore you must prepare in under to properly function under stressful situations.


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Student Success Statement

                Student Success Statement

"Start with what is right, rather than what is acceptable."-Peter F. Drucker
The author is attempting to convey the idea known as what is acceptable within the terms of society is not always correct. What may seem acceptable with in society may not always be the correct action, these "acceptable" actions are usually created through the preference of the populace and their own obscured perceptions of the world. Beliefs among a community is a perfect example suppose a community does not accept individuals who ingest chocolate, and suppose you are being raised with in this community so you are repeatedly taught to uphold these beliefs, but once you explore the world you perceive that the exterior communities accept individuals who ingest chocolate, so at this point you can ask yourself "the shunning of these individuals was deemed correct with in my community, but was it the correct action to participate with in?" So you must never subject toward populace opinion and actions which are "acceptable".

Initiative 5 Of 10

                     Initiative 5 of 10
Initiative can be compared to creativity, inventiveness, ingenuity, originality, or imagination. Every occasion in which you respond in class, every time you select a research topic, every time you transcribe your own interpretation of a literary piece, you exhibit initiative. Future employers value professionals who exhibit initiative, those who create new ideas and initialize new projects, employees who are self-reliant. Self-reliant individuals are self-starters who do not procrastinate. They are aware about the duty they must accomplish and they accomplish their duty. They do not have to be repeatedly instructed. Succeeding in High-school, University, and in the world of careers requires initiative.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Hugo Mendez Ethical and Moral Powerpoint

Student Success Statement

                 Student Success Statement

"To be great--Concentrate."-Orson swett Marden
The statement is attempting to convey the idea that concentration is essential toward success. I believe the claim of the statement. Concentration is the ability to devote your effort upon one activity or multiple activities. The word concentration is mostly utilized with in the confines of an academic institution and in order to evaluate the learning patterns of the alumni. In order to succeed many essential traits are required and one of them is the ability to concentrate. Concentration allows and individual to completely devote himself upon a goal he or she is attempting to achieve, concentration is different from determination because concentration is usually attributed with visual perception of your goal and your physical involvement. A method in which concentration is evaluated or observed is through the use of children, suppose you are attempting to evaluate the concentration skills of two children, so you observe the time in which they can solve a puzzle with in a noisy environment, when one child finishes the puzzle that child is declared the winner and therefore is assumed to have the greater amount of concentration.

Problem-Solving Skills 4 Of 10

        Problem-solving Skills 4 of 10
Problem solving is consists of much more that solving mathematical problems. Every assignment is an opportunity to determine all of the possibilities carefully and select the reasonable solution. As a working professional, you will be solving problems regularly, whether it is producing a computer program or providing your company with a solution toward their financial problems. Problem solving situations occur

Extensively and frequently; therefore, you must be prepared during a situation.
When problems or challenges occur, some individuals perceive them as negative experiences or as a crisis. These individuals probably live with in complicated lives and exhibit negative attitudes. On the contrary the successful individuals are rather cheerful, they perceive problems as opportunities, opportunities that will allow them to grow, expand, and discover new ideas. They are optimistic individuals who attempt to perceive opportunities with in problems.


Friday, May 24, 2013

Cross Country: My favorite sport

           Cross Country: My favorite sport

 I have recently joined the cross country team with in my schools i was rather exciting since i have been running seriously for about 3 years, my fascination with running started when i was Ten years old during my physical education class when we ran the mile, i was astonished that i was the first one(the second person was my twin Carlos), and i realized that i enjoyed distance running so i proceed to practice and improve. My school did not have a cross country team so i decided to train. During winter and spring vacations my older brother who is attending university visited us and we accompanied him to run in our local park, we ran about 3-4 miles every day, during these instances my running improved dramatically. When i joined the cross country team with in our school i was intimidated by my older teammates i thought that i would not be able to finish a race in first place, during our first practice i finished  in first place with my twin behind me. During the subsequent practice i have been challenged due to the longer distances and the obstacles that are placed(Stairs and obstacle courses), but these challenges has allowed my fascination with running to expand. I have also improved drastically and i am very thankful for the opportunity that i have been given to run for the cross country team within my school, i also immensely appreciate my two running partners my twin and my older brother.

Student Success Statement

                Student Success Statement

"Education is not a marathon--not a sprint."-Anonymous
My interpretation of my quote is, the author is attempting to express the importance of a constant pace within your education and the effort and time consumption that are attributed with your educational efforts. I believe education is valuable aspect with in the life of an individual. The author compares education to a marathon because education requires a constant pace and continuous effort, compared to that of a sprint which does not require a constant pace and when you sprint you are exerting all of your effort upon a small track. During a marathon you must exert a continuous amount of energy and maintain a constant pace, a marathon consumes time but compared to a sprint you have achieved a tremendous goal with in you life, therefore education can truly be equated to a marathon. Suppose a child is sprinting once has reached the ending point he has exerted all of his energy and has achieved a meager amount of distance, compared to that of a marathon which requires continuous effort but also the individual must sustain energy and therefore he or she can achieve a much more ambitious goal.

Teamwork Skills 3 Of 10

              Teamwork Skills 3 of 10
Every moment your class form groups in order to accomplish a particular task, through these actions you construct teamwork skills. In University, you will continue to be provided with these opportunities in order to convey your opinions listen and observe others, and formulating compromises. By the time you leave university, you can master this important skill that is needed during workplace interaction.
Individually you can achieve so much, but when you cooperate with others who are attempting to accomplish a mutual goal, similar

Objectives you can increase the effort and versatility behind your goal. You synergize your talents, knowledge, and skills with your peers. All members of the unification are edified utilizing an organized method, a form of edification that cannot be obtained by individual edification.


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Student Success Statement

                Student Success Statement

" the man who has no imagination has now wings."-Muhammad Ali
The quote is attempting to express the importance of imagination upon an individual's life. As we know imagination is clearly connected with our minds, creativity, or even our personality and aspirations. Our imagination heavily effects the perception of many individuals, if we were to perceive the world with no imagination to allow us to excavate the infinite possibilities that lie within an object or an individual. Without imagination to guide our creativity and perception we would not be able to supply ourselves with aspirations or goals , suppose a child imagines himself as a medical professional, if he did not possess imagination he would not be able to stimulate his curiosity upon the field of medicine. I could even assume that imagination is partially connected to the aspect known as ingenuity or our curiosity, if we were to not possess imagination we would not be able to envision possibilities or even wonder how alterations can effect a certain individual or object, without imagination we may not be able to advance intellectually as humans. Therefore imagination is an important aspect with in our lives. 

Speaking Skills 2 Of 10

               Speaking Skills 2 of 10
When you are assigned a class presentation, do not dismiss an oral presentation as an unimportant aspect of your education. Employers observe the applicants oral expertise. You may have to provide a presentation to your clients or represent their organization. It is never too soon to practice proper eye contact and other public speaking techniques.
According to the book of lists, the fear of public speaking is one of the most though of topics within the mind of an individual. Far above the fear of death and disease, the fear of public presentation is the most feared aspect. Joel Weiner noted author and public speaker wants to attempt to assist individuals overcome their initial fears.

“The most feared aspect is public speaking, with 15 percent of Americans experiencing a dramatic fear toward public presentation.” said Dr. Michael Telch of the laboratory for the study of anxiety disorders (LSAD) in the department of psychology in the University of Texas. “People have avoided jobs, and certainly students have dropped classes due to the fear of oral public presentation.”
Regardless of your occupation, your success depends upon your ability to communicate effectively. Whether you are conducting a meeting, distributing a product, or producing a presentation. Motivating co-workers or just communicating privately with others, you will achieve much better results if you are able to properly communicate.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Student Success Statement

                Student Success Statement

" Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not: the world is full of educated dialects. persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'Press on' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."- Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States.
The quote is attempting the convey the importance of the quality known as persistence. When a certain task is attempted you can always expect Adversarial  forces that will approach you and attempt to halt your development and if we are not able to exhibit persistence we will not be able to overcome such forces even if we are full of talent the talent will not allow us to overcome every situation. But i believe that some aspects of talent are constructed through persistence, suppose you were attempting to run one mile in under 5:00 minutes, if you were to attempt and fail, but if you were to persist you would construct a talent that can be applied into running, so therefore persistence has allowed you to develop a talent. The most important aspect of persistence is the applicability of the quality, the quality can be implemented onto every aspect of your life, such a s athletics, academics, or extra curricular activities. So therefore persistence will always assist us in the development of talents if it is applied properly.

Writing Skills 1 Of 10

               Writing skills 1 of 10
Communication is one of the most important skills that an employer seeks. Therefore communication is applied into the working area through the written format.

Health professionals preserve patient charts, researchers depend on the funds that are gained through a written application process, software engineers write technical specifications, and nearly everyone composes e-mails to individuals within and outside their organization, and before you are admitted into a career interview, you will need to prepare yourself by completing cover letters and resume’s.
An individual must seriously evaluate themselves upon their writing skills and exhibit all of your effort upon every written assignment, or every new post you transcribe on your blog site, and every writing activity you are engaged with in, if you develop your writing skills you are preparing yourself for a proper career.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Student Success Statement

                 Student Success Statement

"Failure is only postponed success as long as courage coaches ambition, the habit of persistence is the habit of victory."-Herbert Kaufman
The statement is attempting to convey the idea that illustrates the value of courage, diligence, initiative, and persistence within an individual's life. What is failure, failure is the one's ill attempt at mastering a certain skill, while success is the correct attempt at a certain objective, this is the contrast between the two aspects of life. But failure also allows us to evaluate our actions and determine whether or not we can properly succeed, bu one can only succeed if he or she were to allow their courage to guide them through their failures, this can allow them to create ambitions, but they must possess the persistence needed in order to succeed. In order for an individual to succeed and evaluate themselves they need to allow persistence to become habitual with in their lives.

Ten Ways In Which University Prepares you For Career Success

Ten ways in which university prepares you for career success.
Acquiring a higher education is not fully achieved through the memorization of fact and figures. You must construct the skills and qualities that are necessary with in a learning environment. Think and create on your own- allows employers to view you as a possible candidate. You have already begun learning these skills during high school, but university allows you to fully develop them.
The ten key Qualities
1.     Writing skills
2.     Speech skills
3.     Teamwork skills

4.     Problem solving skills
5.     Initiative
6.     You can adapt to work under tremendous pressure
7.     Attentive
8.     Time management
9.     Honesty
10.                        Your love for learning

Monday, May 20, 2013

Moral Conduct

Student Success Statement

                Student Success Statement

" To see what is right and not to do it is want of courage."-Confucius
The statement allows us to envision an example of an individual who lacks courage and moral integrity. If you were to participate in a proper activity and you were aware the activity was correct you are exhibiting moral integrity and self initiative. If you were to participate in an improper activity and you were aware that the activity was improper you would lack moral integrity and self initiative, because many individuals who participate within unjust activities are usually individuals who lack self initiative. If you were to be aware of a correct activity and not participate with in the activity, you lack the courage needed to stimulate your self initiative and moral integrity. Suppose there is a child who does not assist an individual his group of friends despise, the child is aware of the other individuals need, but he decides to follow his acquaintances and leave the other child helpless, so therefore this child lacks the courage needed to stimulate his self initiative.

Exam Days: Survival Tips Test-Taking Part 3

Exam days: Survival Tips Test-Taking Part 3
Identify Key words
This allows you to focus on the main idea that is portrayed during a challenging question.
Rephrase difficult questions
In order to properly understand questions, if needed rewrite them in your own method of understanding. Be careful you must not alter the objective the question is conveying.
Organize your thoughts before you write
Organize your thoughts during short-answer responses and essays. This allows you to reduce the time needed to revise.
Write neatly
Carefully transcribe your answers in order to not cause confusion among your instructor when he or she is grading your response.
Utilize all the time you are given
If you finish your examination early, do not leave the testing premise. Utilize the extra time in order to revise and proofread your responses.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Student Success Statement

                Student Success Statement

"Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement."-Matt Biondi
This statement is attempting to convey the importance of persistence within the life of an individuals. Persistence is defined as continuous effort even when adversity is imminent. I admire persistence and the rewards that can be achieved through the exertion of persistence. If we want to improve upon an activity we must exert effort and withstand several obstacles that may halt our development with in that particular activity. But first you must evaluate the importance of persistence with in your life, suppose you cannot execute a proper running technique, if you were to exert effort and persistence you will probably be able to master that technique, therefore in many instances failure allows you to understand the value behind what is known as persistence.

Exam Days: Survival Tips Test-Taking Part 2

Exam Days: Survival tips test-taking Part 2
During the exam
Read the Directions
It is important to be aware of the instructions given. For example, some questions contain multiple answers.
Answer easy questions first
Implementing this strategy can stimulate your cerebral area in order to allow you to process information properly. You may also encounter information that may be essential in the process of answering another question.
Answer Every Question
Unless you are penalized for incorrect answers, attempt to answer every question, you may achieve

Partial credit if you attempt to answer the question.
Ask Questions
If a question is unclear ask your instructor for assistance. If that is not possible explain your answer in the margin.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Student Success Statement

              Student Success Statement

"Improve your performance, by improving your attitude."-Anonymous
The statement conveys the importance of your attitude toward a particular skill or activity. Our emotions effect many aspects of our performance, if the activity contradicts our ideals we would naturally refuse to participate within the activity. If your attitude toward a particular activity is negative  you will not improve the activity and attitude are interlocked with in a conflict and therefore this does not allow you enjoy or improve within the desired activity. Your attitude effects your perception, displacement of effort, and improvement with in the particular activity, if you were to approach an activity and displace effort you will begin to construct a proper attitude toward the activity, this will allow you to improve, bu if you were to approach an activity without the displacement of effort or a positive attitude, you will consequently construct an improper attitude toward the activity.

Exam Day: Survival Tips Test-Taking Part 1

Exam day: Survival Tips Test Taking Part 1
Essential exam taking advice
Attempt these strategies while you are still attending high school, and by the time you are attending a higher education institution you will have mastered this strategy.

  Before initiating your exam
Eat well
Studies have conveyed that you necessitate proper nutrition in order to function properly.
Pack the correct supplies
Bring your pencils, pen, rulers, compasses, calculators, or any other material that is required.
Review the exam before you initiate
Examine the number of sections and the material that the test will require you to implement. Determine the amount of time you will be given and review your answers cautiously.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Student Success Statement

                Student Success Statement

"Gold medals do not make champions....hard work does."-Anonymous author
This statement conveys the importance associated with the exertion of effort within our lives. Effort and the organization of our goals can allow to achieve success, also the displacement of effort and the particular goals are important aspects within our lives. Within life we are not given the reward until we have displaced the effort needed to gain that price or achieve that goal, so therefore our effort is the substance needed to allow us to achieve that goal with motivation being our stimuli, so if an individual were to lack motivation he would therefore lack effort. The image that is gained through our achievement is gained through the displacement of our effort. 

Online Learning Part 1

             Online Learning Part 1
Observe the site’s availability
Judge a site’s reliability upon your own analysis and the information available within the site. Here are some methods that can be used to assess a site’s reliability:
·        Observe lessons that you are familiar with in order to observe the site’s reliability. If the site’s lesson is concise and can be compared to your own method the site is likely to contain accurate information.
·        Observe the language that is used in the website. Is it aggressive, satiric or overly impassioned? This may indicate that the site contains information that is untrustworthy.
·        Consider whether the arguments are logical and supported by evidence, and whether the site only provides information that is gathered from one perspective.
·        Examine the links that transport you to sites that the author acknowledges. Scholarly transcriptions, whether in print or in the internet should include a bibliography.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Student Success Statement

                Student Success Statement

"The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing up for what is right is a true test of moral character."-Margaret Chase Smith
This quote conveys the never ending threat of peer pressure upon the general population. those who allow themselves to succumb to the grasp of improper actions are individuals in need of acceptance, suppose a child is asked by his friends to throw a rock at a stranger, the child proceeds to refuse, the other individuals offer to form a friendship with him if he were to throw the rock, the child contemplates the choices and decides that he would rather be accepted by this group of individuals, so he proceeds to throw the rock. The need for acceptance is one of the stimulants that provokes an individual to commit an action once he or she is pressured by a group of individuals.

It Is Online, But Is It On Target Part 3

It is online, but is it on target part 3
Examine the web site’s address. What follows the dot?
·        Dot-com is not only utilized for business purposes; any individual can use the address domain. Dot-coms include well-known and

·         respected companies, but also private individuals.
·        Dot-org usually indicates a non-profit organization. Many dot-orgs present unflavored and factual information, but others hold political agendas, they focus on debatable issues, instead of facts , and might not represent both opinions with in the debate.
·        Dot-gov indicates a government website at the federal, state, or local capacity. The federal government is a proper source to utilize for the viewing of statistics, these sites are widely considered the most reliable.
·        Dot-mil indicates sites that are part of the military.
·        Dot edu. Indicates a university website. While the research published by the university is widely considered trustworthy, anyone associated with the university, whether a world-renowned scholar or a freshman, can be allowed access to the server. Professors sometimes present a student’s classwork utilizing the internet, but you must never assume the student’s work is factual.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Student Success Statement

               Student Success Statement

"Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential."-Liane Cordes
Liane Cordes has provided us with a statement the conveys the impact the determination and effort that an individual exerts can allow them to unlock their potential. When any individual must accomplish a task we must exert effort, you cannot always rely on your talents, in order to accomplish a task effort must be exerted it is inevitable. Suppose an individual who is talented in the sport of gymnastics must compete against an untalented but diligent individual, they are given a few weeks to train, the talented individual feels overconfident and does not exert much effort during his training, the untalented individual trains diligently and this effort results in a win for the individual. Through Continuous effort talents such as intelligence and strength are gained and therefore theses talents can be implemented.

It Is Online, But Is It On Target? Part 2

It is online, but is it on target? Part 2
Research with a skeptical attitude
Conduct your research with the attitude of a skeptic. As you examine websites for information that is factual or trustworthy, ask yourself these questions:

·         Who is the author of this webpage? If you cannot identify the individual or the organization who has written this webpage do not utilize the webpage.
·         What are the author’s qualifications that will allow him to provide you with factual information upon the subject?
·         Has the article been properly examined by other individuals through an editorial process in order to ensure quality and accuracy?
·         What is the website’s purpose? Examine the motives of the website- such as selling products or gaining electoral votes- these situations could result in incomplete or favored information/
·         Is the information accurate? Has this information been updated?
·         Where had the author received this information?

Friday, May 3, 2013

Student Success Statement

                Student Success Statement

"Be quick, but do not get in a hurry."-John Wooden
This quote expresses the importance of urgency and diligence with in the life of an individual. We are always preoccupied with certain tasks, many of these tasks are of minor importance, but some require diligence but they are also rather urgent tasks that must be completed with in a restricted amount of time. With in these situations we must work quickly but also be able to plan the course of the task clearly and work diligently, this can be achieved through the exhibition of responsibility and determination but also a need for excellence with in his/her chosen task. Time is needed in order to produce excellent results, this is the message conveyed through the statement.

It Is Online But Is It It On Target? Part 1

It Is Online But Is It On Target? Part 1
Utilizing the internet wisely
The internet provides us with information that can be easily accessed. However, it is also a simple task to upload information into the internet, so therefore anyone can upload anything in the internet .
You have probably utilized the internet to conduct research necessary for a paper, or to aid you in the selection of a product, or in order to share your opinion. Accessing information on the internet is fast and convenient. But when you are utilizing the internet it is important to possess the knowledge that can help you determine if a website is valid.
Many websites claim to provide valid information, but they are full of errors. Other websites present information in a manner that expresses prejudice. How can you distinguish a reliable source from an unreliable source? Also, it is critical that what you upload to the internet is decent and appropriate, never anything that expresses any sexual behavior or action., or anything vulgar, indecent, unethical, untruthful, or obscene. Upload material that will present you or your organization in a respectful manner, and provide the world with beneficial information.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Student Success Statement

                 Student Success Statement

"When an Archer misses the mark, he turns and looks for the fault with in himself. The failure to hit the bulls-eye is never the fault of the target. To improve your aim improve yourself.- Gilbert Arland
When we are attempting to achieve a goal we will presume that we will succeed, we either do accomplish our goal, or we do not. We can presume that the individuals who did complete their goals were the individuals who had delved with in themselves and corrected the fault that restrained them previously, we can also assume that the individuals who had not completed their goals had blamed other aspects of their lives for their failure and their inability to delve with in themselves and correct the fault that will continue to restrain them. Allow me to provide an example, suppose i am running my usual three miles and i complete my three miles ten seconds later than my usual time, i cannot blame the terrain, so i must examine what i had done that had restrained me and correct the insufficient trait.

SQ3R: Survey-Question-Recite-Review

SQ3R: Survey-Question-Recite-Review
At the end of each section, then proceed to answer the question that you were preoccupied with for that section. Then transcribe you answer. Be sure to provide examples that will support your claim.
Now repeat the question. Read and Recite steps for each sections of the chapter. First select a question that you would prefer to preoccupy your-self with for the next section. Then you proceed to read and discover the answer. Finally, recite the answer in your words and transcribe it. The written questions and answers can assist you during your studies in the future.

After completing the chapter, review your notes. Identify the main concepts by examining the most exploited idea with in the text. Recite, or write a brief summary about the assignment.
Review your notes every week in order to be able to retain the information. When it is time to prepare for an exam you would have realized you have created your own study guide.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Student Success Statement

              Student Success Statement

" Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow."- Robert Kiyosaki
The statement suggests that we must focus on the present situations in order to shape success if we desire. If we decide to be inactive what will we succeed, success is derived from our present actions, and therefore our future is decided by our present actions. If you were to state that you would become a successful business man, would other individuals not inquire upon your motives and ask you what would you do to become a successful business man? would you provide a thorough explanation? or would you presume you would become a successful business man as if it were predetermined? Therefore the individual who is prepared to provide an explanation is an individual who is actively shaping his life, and the individual who presumes he will succeed is an individual who is inactive with in the process of creating a proper life so therefore he or she has not utter purpose.  

SQ3R: A Great Reading And Studying Mehod

                             SQR3:A great reading and Studying Method
Improve you studying skills
SQ3R is an acronym that describes:
·        Survey
·        Question
·        Read
·        Recite
·        Review
SQ3R is a proven method that will allow you to improve your studying skills.
In university, You will be required to participate in a vast amount of literary studying. You will often have to complete reading assignments from several different books, for several different courses at the same time.
SQ3R assist you in the action of producing beneficial results from your reading and studying, and therefore you can utilize your time efficiently. Here is how the mechanism is structured.
Suppose your assignment is to read one chapter. First survey the chapter through the action of reviewing highlights with in the chapter:
·        Read the titles, headings, and sub headings.

·        Examine words that italicized or bold.
·        Examine charts, graphs, maps, or other visual material.
·        Read captions.
·        Read the beginning and the end of every chapter.


Friday, April 26, 2013

Student Success Statement

              Student Success Statement

"There is no justification ever for choosing any part of what you know is evil."-Ayn Rand
Thank Ayn rand for this wonderful statement. We must never attempt to justify an unjust action, because the action will always be improper. We all know even though we participate in an improper action we cannot justify the action because it will always be categorized as an improper action and we cannot change that. But what is right or wrong is heavily influenced by the bases of society and the ideas that the society exhibits. The ideas are also heavily influenced by leadership, culture, philosophy, social organization, and financial situations. Therefore society decides what is correct and expects the citizens to embody the ideas, morals, ethics, and values it has imposed upon us. Would you expect the actions of a communist country to be deplorable in the eyes of the capitalist institution and vice versa? Therefore i am unsure there is a definite right, but the closest item that allows us to identify a definite right is our moral compass, which allows us to generate impulses upon our perception such as guilt. I still greatly believe that the moral compass allows us to differentiate what is right and wrong clearly and that an evil action can never be justified.